一有这样的问题,Todo List 绝对会是最常见答案之一。
学习编程是为了帮助我们解决各种各样的问题和困难的,从你最感兴趣的事情入手,从最困扰你的问题入手,而不是人云亦云去写什么 Todo List,Weblog……
暮光闪闪:Now that we've created the checklist of things we need to create a checklist, we can make my checklist of the things I need to get done by the end of the day. Ready? 斯派克:Ready. 暮光闪闪:Item 1: Create checklist of the things I have to accomplish by the end of the day.
eeyep ... the first thing to do is to make a todo list, which includes making a todo list app. Of course you should make your todo list with the todo list app...