Xcode Code Formatter
A UIBezierPath category for creating Apple Flavored Smooth Corners.
Google Translation Widget for macOS's Notification Center
An UIButton subclass that can animate fade-in and fade-out highlight.
Safe Method Swizzling.
Practical real-world dates: timey-wimey date-y things, Swift successor to old NSDate repo
A Cocoa library to extend the Objective-C programming language.
High Efficiency Image File Format
A small Windows utility that sits in the taskbar notification area and changes the brightness of ...
在 mac 下也会遇到这个问题,导入证书还不够,还需要额外设置「总是信任」。
#20 楼 @dave 如果之前是这套 UI,根本现在都没人会讨论 iOS……因为实在是太个人口味啦!