又有个问题,本来已经用了 paperclip 的话,怎么接受图片?要自己另外实现吗?
@libuchao saledata.vips_num.to_f / saledata.visitors_num 这样貌似不行
飞哥,apidoc 的右边内容区域加个刷新按钮,点击只需刷右侧。另外,搞个首页,可以让配置一些通用的说明文字,比如作者、注意事项等。
logo:@lyfi2003 ,如果返回的是 jsonp,那么 type 应该是 string 了吧?
render json: @result.to_json, :callback =>'callback'
@lyfi2003 , 用 ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile 或者 object 貌似都不行,我测试了。
如果用 ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile,错误是: The property '#/properties/logo/type' of type Class did not match one or more of the required schemas. The schema specific errors were: - anyOf #0: - The property '#/properties/logo/type' value ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile did not match one of the following values: array, boolean, integer, null, number, object, string - anyOf #1: - The property '#/properties/logo/type' of type Class did not match the following type: array
用 object,错误是: The property '#/logo' of type ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile did not match the following type: object
@lyfi2003 , 飞哥 ,请问,如果 api 需要做上传图片,那么 type 是啥呢?我用 object 报错: The property '#/logo' of type ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile did not match the following type: object
@lyfi2003 , 飞哥,apidoc 每次刷新,左侧的菜单都收起来,又要展开,非常非常不方便。
中级和高级都看不了,页面显示:Something has gone wrong