Make sure all dependencies in your Gemfile are available to your application.
$ bundle install [--system]
Gems will be installed to your default system location for gems. If your system gems are stored in a root-owned location (such as in Mac OSX), bundle will ask for your root password to install them there.
While installing gems, Bundler will check vendor/cache and then your system's gems. If a gem isn't cached or installed, Bundler will try to install it from the sources you have declared in your Gemfile.
The --system option is the default. Pass it to switch back after using the --path option as described below.
Install your dependencies, even gems that are already installed to your system gems, to a location other than your system's gem repository. In this case, install them to vendor/bundle.
$ bundle install --path vendor/bundle
windows 的话:
假设我的 sublime text 2 在 C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 2\sublime_text.exe
1、在资源管理器右键菜单用 Sublime Text 2 打开项目的方法:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="用 Sublime Text 2 打开文件夹"
@="C:\\Program Files\\Sublime Text 2\\sublime_text.exe %1"
修改C:\\Program Files\\Sublime Text 2\\sublime_text.exe
)为你的 sublime_text.exe 的地址,保存为 xx.reg 导入注册表就行了
在 windows 的系统环境变量的Path
所在路径,比如我应该添加C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 2\
假设命令行当前路径为你的工作路径,运行sublime_text %cd%
D:\server\html>sublime_text %cd%
…厕所离工作室比较近…wifi 覆盖…
sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/
15 万个共多少空间?
把文件夹拖到 sublime text 2 界面中
从 ruby 转 php 的推荐使用 yii 框架,模仿 rails 的,效率也极高
捧场.. js:
'11ab1111ab111ac11111'.split('ab').length - 1;
[[37, 26, 11], [30, 22, 50], [30, 33, 20]].sort().reverse();