这一款太轻便了,纯碎的写手工具,要是开个 IDE 开发和外接个显示器之类的,就不太好了吧。围观
楼上正解,另外希望你belongs_to :cs
validates :name, uniqueness: { scope: :b_id,message: "name should not repeat per B object" }
,之前写过 send、config 字段,也是各种错误,呵呵
#15 楼 @hanyangwang 这个插件只是 sublime 下一些语言的命令行模式,和你直接在 irb 中操作是一样的,你可以通过https://packagecontrol.io/查找需要的插件
SublimeREPL - run an interpreter inside ST2 (Clojure, CoffeeScript, F#, Groovy, Haskell, Lua, MozRepl, NodeJS, Python + virtualenv, R, Ruby, Scala...)
after_save runs both on create and update, but always after the more specific callbacks after_create and after_update, no matter the order in which the macro calls were executed.
推荐你使用一个 sublime 插件:SublimeREPL
标题令我惊讶了... What is ruby? In short, ruby is an extra text, which is usually small, attached to the main text for indicating the pronunciation or meaning of the corresponding characters. This kind of annotation is widely used in Japanese publications. It is also common in Chinese for books for children, educational publications, and dictionaries.
我是转到 Ruby 的,我的弯曲路线: Ruby=>Rails=>HTML/CSS/JS(basic)=>DataBase(mysql->mongodb)=>JS=>Deployment=>TDD #2 楼 @ithelloworld :plus1: 不错的推荐
rails 安装的有问题,gem uninstall rails
@mingyuan0715 可否将你的,与我分享一下,谢谢!
#1 楼 @flowerwrong 谢谢了,请问像雪球网和微博那样的编辑框,有没可推荐的?
希望演讲者们分享一下 PPT,谢谢
@darkbaby123 :plus1:
:plus1: 学习
#常规的gem install 可安装以下形式声明的依赖包
s.add_dependency "moo"
s.add_development_dependency "moo"
#以上这些依赖包,都可以通过bundle install来安装
自己用的库,应该放在 lib 下面,你可以在 lib 下面创建个 exception 文件夹用以区分