#9 楼 @jackxu I just got a message: WEBrick is not recommended to use in production environment. We should use Nginx or Apache as the server. From: http://guides.ruby-china.org/configuring.html Keyword: WEBrick.
#7 楼 @hw676018683 Yes, I did.
#3 楼 @jackxu After many tests, I got four facts: 1.All conditions combination in production environment are failed. 2.The default port 3000 is disabled. 3.If I run 'rails server -e prouduction -p $PORT', then port '$PORT' will be disabled. Example:3001,3002... And the url 'http://xxx' typed in brower will be automatically redirected to 'https://xxx'. 4.All 'https://xxx' are failed.
My OS is Ubuntu14x86 on virtual machine.