RubyMotion 爱好者 +1
rubymotion 的捏?
if it's a web app, prezi +1
开车 5xx 公里,总算赶上两个 topic 了
下个给领导用,我自己觉得 Mac 的字典够用了
@xdite 谢谢!好文,转日我也把我的一个站点 upgrade 一下
BTW, leanpub 的 Link 错写成相对路径了。
API 各个公司的方式方法都有不一样,这就是为啥没有统一的解决方案的原因,用了这个以后很多东西就不太灵活了。
awesome : Windows + Enter !
安装 Pry 和 Pry Doc
结合 cd 和?来了解 RDoc
举个简单例子来说明 Net:HTTP
~ pry
[3] pry(main)> require 'net/http'
=> true
[4] pry(main)> cd Net::HTTP
[5] pry(Net::HTTP):1> ls
constants: Copy Delete Get HAVE_ZLIB Head HTTPVersion Lock Mkcol Move Options Patch Post Propfind Proppatch ProxyDelta ProxyMod Put Revision SSL_ATTRIBUTES Trace Unlock
Net::Protocol.methods: protocol_param
Proxy get get_response https_default_port is_version_1_2? newobj proxy_address proxy_pass proxy_user start version_1_2
default_port get_print http_default_port is_version_1_1? new post_form proxy_class? proxy_port socket_type version_1_1? version_1_2?
active? ca_path= ciphers continue_timeout= get2 key= open_timeout= post proxy_address proxyport request send_request ssl_version= use_ssl= verify_depth=
address cert ciphers= copy head lock options post2 proxy_pass put request_get set_debug_output start use_ssl? verify_mode
ca_file cert= close_on_empty_response delete head2 mkcol patch propfind proxy_port put2 request_head ssl_timeout started? verify_callback verify_mode=
ca_file= cert_store close_on_empty_response= finish inspect move peer_cert proppatch proxy_user read_timeout request_post ssl_timeout= trace verify_callback=
ca_path cert_store= continue_timeout get key open_timeout port proxy? proxyaddr read_timeout= request_put ssl_version unlock verify_depth
instance variables: @is_proxy_class @proxy_addr @proxy_pass @proxy_port @proxy_user
locals: _ __ _dir_ _ex_ _file_ _in_ _out_ _pry_
[6] pry(Net::HTTP):1> ? get
From: /Users/jian/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p327-perf/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb @ line 981:
Owner: Net::HTTP
Visibility: public
Signature: get(path, initheader=?, dest=?, &block)
Number of lines: 35
Gets data from path on the connected-to host.
initheader must be a Hash like { 'Accept' => '*/*', ... },
and it defaults to an empty hash.
If initheader doesn't have the key 'accept-encoding', then
a value of "gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3" is used,
so that gzip compression is used in preference to deflate
compression, which is used in preference to no compression.
Ruby doesn't have libraries to support the compress (Lempel-Ziv)
compression, so that is not supported. The intent of this is
to reduce bandwidth by default. If this routine sets up
compression, then it does the decompression also, removing
the header as well to prevent confusion. Otherwise
it leaves the body as it found it.
This method returns a Net::HTTPResponse object.
If called with a block, yields each fragment of the
entity body in turn as a string as it is read from
the socket. Note that in this case, the returned response
object will *not* contain a (meaningful) body.
dest argument is obsolete.
It still works but you must not use it.
This method never raises an exception.
response = http.get('/index.html')
# using block
File.open('result.txt', 'w') {|f|
http.get('/~foo/') do |str|
f.write str
[7] pry(Net::HTTP):1>
FILCO 87 Brown
是否你安装 RVM 的时候,用了 sudo 安装 rvm 无需管理员权限
@Saito 哦,经你这么一提醒,我想起来了,gitlolite 的确是把所有的 repository 放在一个 git 里面的,当 project 变多了以后的确很费时间。
按你上述的表述,如果已经修改了 authorized_key,那应该 gitlab-shell 不会因为 gitlab 下线而影响 Checkin 的吧,倒不是到时候还要查询 GitLab 来确认自己的权限?
那我倒是很好奇,GitHub 理论上来说已经上百万的用户了,他 SSH 倒是不算慢,怎么做到的呢?莫非他自己改写了 ssh 的 PAM 认证?
我倒是有一个 concern,最近我的 GitLab 不太稳定,如果用了 gitlab-shell 以后,是不是 gitlab 出现问题的时候用户就无法 checkin 了?
jQuery 可以用在 Hybrid View 里面,Hybird 并不一定要求所有资源都从服务器端获取,Client 可以缓存这些 CSS/JS
cronttab 内容一般我们都在 code repository 里面