Roshan is a Django based administrative interface for ZooKeeper cluster.
Supervisor is a server-site application that make sure your server application is running by re-e...
my blog
bnac hack
Service to replicate InfluxDB data for high availability
An L4(TCP) proxy for request/response dumping
a git repository management toolkit
An net library with extra abilities to tap the potential of net.Conn
看到域名是,加上是在成都举行,我还以为成都 RoR 大户 Tower 老板沈学良赞助了这次活动。
#1 楼 @est 断掉之后客户端主动重连,长连接服务都没法避免这个,要做好消息在集群中通过任意一台机器都能发往客户端的策略。
#52 楼 @chairy11 妹子? 来吧。
@zchar 赞,我们也去研究一下 mailgun。嘿嘿。