This example shows how you can use arc42 in combination with the C4 model and the Documentation a...
Zero to AI agent testing in minutes for Android, iOS, and Web apps. Arbigent's intuitive UI and p...
🎉 A Kotlin/Compose Multiplatform library to add vibrant, customizable confetti animations to your...
An opinionated GoLang framework for accelerated microservice development. Built in support for da...
Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
Kotlin Multiplatform lifecycle-aware business logic components (aka BLoCs) with routing (navigati...
A User Journey-Driven Architecture Technique for Optimal Frontend Technology Selection
集找番、追番、看番的一站式弹幕追番平台,Bangumi 索引,在线 + BitTorrent,弹幕云过滤,100% Kotlin/Compose Multiplatform
Markdown Architectural Decision Records