瞎扯淡 「真.瞎扯淡」撤军阿富汗

syutran · January 29, 2013 · Last by iBachue replied at January 29, 2013 · 2149 hits

一直纳闷基地组织塔里班与美国人有多大的仇怨,以至于打了十年的战争都没有解决问题。张无忌也都雪了仇,平了江湖的恩恩怨怨。邪恶的美国人抑或邪恶的塔里班也该被正义的塔里班抑或正义的美国人制服,平了国际间的恩恩怨怨的吧? 然而都没有,顶尖科技武器 PK 较为原始的 AK47,无人机对人体炸弹,双方都拿出的看家的本事,纵然就没分个胜负。拉倒吧,我看。 美国人要从阿富汗撤军了,没有胜负的第三次撤军吧?1 次是在朝鲜,2 次是在越南。看样子他们在这个泥坑里也待够了,该是回家的时候了。 谁能说得清,纠结在这两家的恩恩怨怨?



我想问下 胜利的标准 是啥?

I've seen too many forums fell apart due to political discussions. I like ruby-china. Please don't ruin it.

As you said, I have seen many websites are blocked due to talk about the political topics. So I entered this topic without China. I am sorry.

#5 楼 @syutran nono, that's not what I mean. We should not hold back our words just to avoid being blocked. However, we tend to judge other people by their political stands. That is normal - political stands reveal one's worldview after all. The problem is many Chinese people - myself included - were not educated to mutually accept different values. We start labelling each other on these issues. Then we form small circles. Then the small circles fight on every topics. Then people are annoyed and leave the community.

This happened in so many forums, and is still happening. The recent example would be the V forum. Political discussions are necessary. But there are forums dedicated to them. Ruby China is a tech forum in its very nature. I enjoyed its purity. So I don't feel comfortable seeing a political topic - especially when it may lead to destruction.

No offence. Just my 2c.

怎么没胜负啊 我都没见过阿富汗还有成组织的抵抗过。。不会因为签投降书的人都死光了就不算胜利了吧。。

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