分享 Owning Rails 二月班開課了

xdite · 2013年01月15日 · 最后由 jasonchi 回复于 2013年01月16日 · 3725 次阅读

剛收到信,Owning Rails 二月班開課了。

信裡面有早鳥 discount code, 可以減 80 刀。 enjoy!

But I want to make sure you can get a spot. So I'm keeping this private until Thursday. And to thank you for signing up on the waiting list, I'm offering you a discount of $80 if you buy before Thursday. Use this code to get the discount:

  Discount code ($80 off): zomgbbq
  URL: http://owningrails.com/

同收到 email,有没有一起去的?3 人以上有 25% 折扣

Your friends will regard you with respect, your family will celebrate your birthday twice a year, your dog will clean the house and wash dishes, DHH will beg you for a retweet and you'll lose 10 quadrillion pounds in 4 hours!*
* results may vary

这个太霸气了... 顺便友情提醒,此网站已经 GFWed,访问请翻墙

#1 楼 @jasl 8 小时 $400?Orz.... 我开中文班半价有人上吗,lol

#3 楼 @yedingding 在中国,而且是杭州,开班不错!LOL

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