- Topic Speech: 《Ruby 面对对象设计 (OOP) 要点》 @legendben 张犇 30mins
- Code for fun: We will build a simple website for one of NGOs who are connected with us
- Communication. Because after Rails Girls Beijing event, many of the girls who attended our event has many issues about Ruby & Rails, I do hope some senior Rubyist could help them.
- Some of you may organize people to have a dinner or take a party at bar. However it's optional.
All levels are welcome!
Address: http://www.dianping.com/shop/4549675
这次活动我不在北京,由@lilu 同学负责,请其他同学协助他哈。不知道这次有多少个 girls 会参加,如果她们来了,上次活动遗留下来的一些问题,请热心帮忙解决。谢谢~
咖啡厅地址: http://www.dianping.com/shop/4549675