分享 诱人的 Pair programming 环境

camel · January 05, 2012 · Last by niedhui replied at February 04, 2012 · 2625 hits

不知有多少同学玩过结对编程,之前被外企面试的时候有问到过,很感兴趣想试一下,现在团队里有个同学很聊得来,几天过去,水虽吹了不少,但发现编程效率也提高了。如果下决心搞效率应该会更高,一个人敲代码很容易走神胡思乱想或者卡壳。 今天看到了 Yehuda Katz(Rails 和 jQuery 核心成员) 和 Tom Dale 的结对编程环境,很是羡慕。


硬件清单:* 3.4GHz 27″ iMac with a 256GB SSD and 1TB hard drive(二个 27 寸同步显示) 软件清单: MacVIM + Janus + NERDtree zsh with oh-my-zsh. rvm Dropbox + Lion’s AirDrop 来同步文件 Propane + Campfire + iChat + AIM 来交流

貌似他们对此非常满意,真的很想试一下啊。 *I couldn’t be happier with our setup. If you haven’t tried pairing, I recommend it; while it sometimes feels slower, you avoid many of the obvious mistakes that one can make when spending hours in isolation. I also think that the software you write tends to be better if it’s constantly being sanity-checked by someone else.*

直接来几张图吧: 这个被作者称为“启动结对编程成功的关键”

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