一个小工具,用 markdown 写 slide,输出成 deck.js
I'm very exiting about deck.js project. But it is still hard to edit html file. I used zen-coding to save my time, but it is still indirectly. Then I found markdown. So I want to combine the two things.
I'm very excited about deck.js project. But editing html directly isn't that handy. I tried zen-coding to save some time. Still, it's not intuitive enough. Then markdown came to me. So here's these two lovely things combined.
#5 楼 @search 正好在准备Git Training 材料,这个可以算个 demo 吧?
#7 楼 @fsword 用下来发现markdown 不支持 id 指定,这点不是很爽,不过研究了下貌似在redcarpet
## Training Agenda {#agenda} <!--it's a markdown extension feature-->
#8 楼 @ericguo 是的,确实有些麻烦,所以现在还没有 slide 之间跳转的能力
<code class="comment">comment</code>
支持演示者视图。Markslide 可以生成打开两个窗口进行联动,其中一个作为“演示者视图”。
使用时,首先在浏览器中打开 index.html。 在键盘上输入字母'q',浏览器将打开辅助显示页面(新窗口打开时可能被浏览器拦截) 辅助页面是 all.html,其中包括了所有的 comments,用户可以将两个窗口放在两个显示屏上 操作辅助页面将同时让主页面联动,反之则不会