Ruby ruby 如何获取 pop 服务邮箱邮件?

lucifer · July 17, 2012 · Last by Lucifer replied at July 17, 2012 · 4020 hits

require 'net/pop' pop =, password) emails = pop.mails

emails 是收件箱邮件,请问已经发送、垃圾邮件、草稿邮件如何获取?

怎么没人复 顶一下~


邮箱只有一个列表,已发送、草稿是客户端做的吧(web 也是邮箱服务的客户端),垃圾邮件是邮箱服务过滤的,不进入邮件列表,也就不通过 pop3 获取了。

The POP3 Protocol doesn't support folders at all, so the only can get is the INBOX. ~~

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