Ruby Hello Ruby China from Russia

woto · 2022年03月05日 · 最后由 317583395 回复于 2022年03月07日 · 2472 次阅读

Hello Ruby China community from Russia. As you know there is a "military operation" (official allowed title of current events due to censure) of Russia in Ukraine going since 23 February. I don't want to discuss political aspects of this event. But for now Russian Ruby developers seems blocked to remote work on Europe and USA. But life is going on despite everything so... Some developers rapidly relocating, some waiting of something, and some (like me :))... trying to find new ways of usual life. So I have a question. Did you hear about contracts between Russian developers and Chine employers, is it allowed today? What about popularity of Ruby in China? Is there a main good companies preferred Ruby stack willing to recruit remote developers from Russia? Thank you.

This was the first time I knew that a European developer was looking for a job in China. It seems the world is changing 😀 .

Although I can't help too much, I suggest you leave more information to help recruiters in RubyChina get to know you better, such as your working experience, skill stack, your Github, and so on.

Why not. The the usual life seems rapidly changes. We got almost all independent Russian news platforms banned inside Russia + dozens news in a day about closing European and USA business in Russia. So... I still don't know if it will be interesting for Chinese recruiters that's why I'm here. Seems I want to know which possibilities I still have, or i should pack my back and attempt to move to Europe :)

Anyway age: 37, male, 10 years of Ruby on Rails experience / Postgresql + related tech JS, RabbitMQ, Clickhouse, Redis...

Also have a little bit outdated CV on and will show if anoyone will be interested.

woto 回复


spike76 回复


Chinese don't really care about the political stuff. It's not going to be an obstacle to getting a job in China. And the Ruby market is fairly small in China honestly. You can try hitting a post on the category of <求职> and putting your cv and description of yourself there. I've got 3 job experiences and they all started from here~!

Thank you all. I will wait for the cessation of hostilities and will try your recommendations :) 👋

I'm sorry to hear that, I would suggest trying outsourcing companies, they might less care about your non-technical background as long as your skill set fits. BTW are you open to freelance job? maybe think about your hourly/daily rate if you haven't

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