Rust Rust 微微框架 Vial

chenge · 2021年10月19日 · 最后由 sevenmentor44 回复于 2023年03月24日 · 1353 次阅读



Drink Me.


~ a micro micro-framework ~

Vial is a small web framework for making small web "sites" in Rust. It includes just a handful of basic features for delivering old school, server-side rendered HTML: request routing, form data parsing, response building, and serving static file assets.

The goal is a small, lean core that compiles quickly and has as few dependencies as possible. Use it for HTML stuff: prototyping ideas, testing out concepts, or, perhaps, even writing tiny personal apps. Nothing serious though, got it?

This manual is an overview of Vial’s built-in features, as well as the few optional features you can enable. It also includes suggestions for some "common tasks", like using a database to store information.

Hello World

Here's the bare minimum:

vial::routes! {
    GET "/" => |_| "Greetings, creature.";

fn main() {

That should tell you a lot, in that there isn't a lot to Vial.

Now here's a bigger bear, showing off more of Vial's features:

use vial::prelude::*;

routes! {
    GET "/" => hello_world;
    POST "/" => redirect_to_greeting;
    GET "/:name" => hello_name;
    GET "/*path" => |req|
        format!("<h1>404 Not Found: {}</h1>",

fn hello_world(_req: Request) -> &'static str {
    "<h1>Hello, world!</h1>
    <p><strong>What's your name?</strong></p>
    <form method='POST' action='/'>
        <p><input name='name' type='text'/></p>
        <p><input type='submit'/></p>

fn redirect_to_greeting(req: Request) -> Option<impl Responder> {
    let name = req.form("name")?;
    Some(Response::redirect_to(format!("/{}", name)))

fn hello_name(req: Request) -> String {
        "<h1>Why hello there, {}!</h1>",

fn main() {

You can run the above example from the root of this repository:

$ cargo run --example manual

Vial comes with a handful of examples in the examples/ directory, so be sure to peruse them skeptically - either alongside or after digesting this manual.


Like most web library thingy-jingies that only focus on server-side rendering, there are three main parts to a Vial application:

  • Routing: You write actions that take a Request and return either a Response or a Responder, then map them to URLs and URL patterns using the vial::routes! macro.

  • [Requests]: The Request object provides information about each client's humble request.

  • [Responses]: Your actions return either a Response struct, which can be easily built, or a type that implements the Responder trait, like String or Option<Response>.

Getting Started

Vial should work on any recent, stable version of Rust on Linux or macOS.

To begin, add Vial to your project's Cargo.toml:

vial = "0.1"

Now all you have to do is call vial::routes! to define your routes and vial::run! to start the server in src/

vial::routes! {
    GET "/" => |_| "It works!";

fn main() {

This should start a server at and tell you that it did. Congratulations! You're on your way.


Routing is the real gravy and potatoes of any web framework, if you think about it. In Vial, routes are defined with the vial::routes! macro in this format:


The order in which routes are written matters - routes written first will be checked for matches first, meaning you can declare many routes that point to "/", but only the first one defined will ever match.

HTTP Methods

HTTP_METHOD can be one of:

  • GET
  • HEAD
  • POST
  • PUT

Route Patterns

ROUTE_PATTERN can be an exact match, such as "/user" or "/v2/search.php3", or it can include a named parameter:

  1. "/:name" — This will match anything except paths with / or . in them.
  2. "/" — Use this format to match on a specific file extension.
  3. "/*name" — This will match everything, including / and .

In the three examples above, calling request.arg("name") in an Action will return Some(&str).

Note that you can have multiple parameters in the same route, as long as the "match all" pattern occurs last:

vial::routes! {
    GET "/:category/:id/*name" => |req| format!(
        "<p>Category: {}</p>
        <p>ID: {}</p>
        <p>Name: {}</p>",

fn main() {


Actions are what routes actually route to. They are functions or closures take a Request and return either a Response or something that implements the Responder trait:

use vial::prelude::*;

routes! {
    GET "/info" => |req| format!(
        "<p>Name: {}</p>", req.query("name").unwrap_or("None")
    GET "/" => index;

fn index(req: Request) -> &'static str {
    "<form method='GET'>
        <p>Enter your name: <input type='text' name='name'/></p>
        <input type='submit'/>

fn main() {

Returning impl Responder is easy - Responder is a Vial trait that defines a single conversion method that returns a Response:

pub trait Responder {
    fn to_response(self) -> Response;

These types implement Responder by default:

  • &str
  • String
  • usize - Empty response with this number as the status code.
  • Option<impl Responder> - 404 on None
  • Result<impl Responder, Error> - 500 on Error


Filters are functions that are run before actions. They can either modify the existing request before it's sent to your action, or they can return a Response that will be delivered to the client without any actions being called:

fn(req: &mut Request) -> Option<Response>;

Like Rust's attributes, they can either apply to all routes defined in the same vial::routes! macro call or just a specific route:

use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use vial::prelude::*;

routes! {
    // `count` will run before all routes in this block

    GET "/" => |_| "Hey there!";
    GET "/hits" => hits;

    // `count` will run again when /double is visited
    GET "/double" => double;

    // `echo` will be called when /echo is visited
    GET "/echo" => |_| "Is there an echo in here?";

fn hits(req: Request) -> impl Responder {
    format!("Hits: {}", req.counter().count())

fn double(req: Request) -> impl Responder {
    "Double trouble."

fn echo(req: &mut Request) -> Option<Response> {
    println!("{:#?}", req);

fn count(req: &mut Request) -> Option<Response> {

#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct Counter(AtomicUsize);

impl Counter {
    fn count(&self) -> String {

    fn incr(&self) {
        self.0.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);

trait WithCounter {
    fn counter(&self) -> &Counter;

impl WithCounter for Request {
    fn counter(&self) -> &Counter {

fn main() {

Route Modules

Routes can be defined in different modules and combined together with vial::run!:

mod blog;

mod wiki {
    vial::routes! {
        GET "/wiki" => |_| "This is the wiki.";

vial::routes! {
    GET "/" => |_| "Index page.";

fn main() {
    vial::run!(self, blog, wiki);


When a route matches and an Action is called, it's passed a Request object. Request contains information about the request itself, as well as a number of helper methods.

Route Parameters

As mentioned in the Routing section above, you can define parameters in a route and access their value for a given request using request.arg():

vial::routes! {
    GET "/:animal" => |req| format!(
        "Animal: {}", req.arg("animal").unwrap_or("None")

Query Parameters

In addition to route parameters, Vial will also parse good ol' fashioned query string parameters for you:

vial::routes! {
    GET "/info" => |req| format!(
        "Version: v{}",

fn main() {

Running this and visiting /info will show:

Version: v?

But visiting /info?version=1.0 will show:

Version: v1.0

Like arg(), query() returns Option<&str>.

Form Data

What's the web without open ended <textarea>s? Perish the thought.

POSTed form data follows the same pattern as query and route parameters: use request.form() to access a form parameter:

use vial::prelude::*;
use db;

routes! {
    GET "/show/:id" => show;
    GET "/new" => new;
    POST "/new" => create;

fn new(_req: Request) -> impl Responder {
    "<form method='POST'>
        <p>Name: <input type='text' name='name'/></p>
        <p>Location: <input type='text' name='location'/></p>
        <p><input type='submit'/></p>

fn create(req: Request) -> Result<impl Responder, io::Error> {
    let id = db::insert!(
        "name" => req.form("name").unwrap(),
        "location" => req.form("location").unwrap()
    Ok(Response::redirect_to(format!("/show/{}", id)))

fn show(req: Request) -> Option<impl Responder> {
    let record = db::query!("id" => id).ok()?;
        "<p>Name: {}</p>
        <p>Location: {}</p>",

fn main() {

Request Headers

Headers are available without any of the peksy conveniences of type safety. Just give request.header() a string and hope you get one back!

use vial::prelude::*;
use std::{fs, path::Path};

routes! {
    GET "/:file" => show;

fn show(req: Request) -> Option<impl Responder> {
    let path = format!("./{}", req.arg("file")?);
    if Path::new(&path).exists() {
        if req.header("Accept").unwrap_or("?").starts_with("text/plain") {
            Some(Response::from_header("Content-Type", "text/plain")
        } else {
            let file = fs::read_to_string(&path).unwrap();
                <pre style='width:50%;margin:0 auto'>{}</pre>
                </body></html>", file)))
    } else {

fn main() {

Header names are case insensitive, though, so at least you don't have to worry about that.

Other Info

Beyond the headers, Request also surfaces a few more basic bits of information such as the request.method() and request.path():

impl Request {
    // "GET", "POST", etc. Always uppercase.
    fn method(&self) -> &str;
    // Always starts with "/"
    fn path(&self) -> &str;


Every Action returns either a Response or a type that implements the Responder trait's single method:

pub trait Responder {
    fn to_response(self) -> Response;

Common types like &str and Option<String> already implement this, so you are free to be lazy and return simple types in your Actions. If, however, you want to set headers and do other fancy jazz, you'll need to build and return a Response directly.

Rather than use the "Builder" pattern like more mature and better designed libraries, Vial's Response lets you set properties either directly or using Builder-style methods:

vial::routes! {
    GET "/404" => |_| Response::from(404).with_text("404 Not Found");

Each Response defaults to a Content-Type of text/html; charset=utf8, so you can build HTML with your bare hands:

fn index(_req: Request) -> impl Responder {
    Response::from("<marquee>Coming soon!</marquee>")

To produce plain text, set the header using with_header() or set_header(), or use with_text() instead of with_body() or from_body():

fn readme(_req: Request) -> Response {
    // This will be rendered as plain text.
        .with_header("Content-Type", "text/plain")

Building Responses

The Response documentation contains more information on all the methods available, but here are some of the properties you can set on a Response in your actions:

  • fn from_text<S: AsRef<str>>(text: S) -> Response;

  • fn with_code(mut self, code: usize) -> Response;

  • fn with_body<S: AsRef<str>>(mut self, body: S) -> Response;

  • fn with_text<S: AsRef<str>>(self, text: S) -> Response;

  • fn with_json<T: serde::Serialize>(self, value: T) -> Response; (requires the json_serde feature)

  • fn with_reader(mut self, reader: Box<dyn io::Read>) -> Response;

  • fn with_asset(mut self, path: &str) -> Response;

  • fn with_file(mut self, path: &str) -> Response;

  • fn with_error<E: error::Error>(self, err: E) -> Response;

  • fn with_header(mut self, key: &str, value: &str) -> Response;


To issue a 302 redirect, use the redirect_to static method:

fn search(req: Request) -> Option<impl Responder> {
    let url = format!(

Status Codes

Empty responses with status codes can be created from usize:

fn fourohno(_req: Request) -> impl Responder {

fn pay_me(_req: Request) -> impl Responder {


Headers can be set Builder-style using with_header or imperative-style using set_header:

fn not_found(_req: Request) -> Response {
        .with_header("Content-Type", "text/plain")
        .with_body("404 Not Found")

fn download(req: Request) -> Option<impl Responder> {
        .with_header("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")

fn perm_redirect(url: &str) -> Response {
    Response::from(301).with_header("Location", url)

Serving Static Files

Vial can automatically serve static files out of an asset directory, complete with proper ETag handling, if you tell it which directory to use with the vial::asset_dir! macro. It can also optionally bundle those assets them into your application in --release mode, producing a single binary that was developed as if it used separate CSS and JS files.


To get started, put all your .js and .css and other static assets into a directory in the root of your project, such as assets/. In your HTML, include those files as if the "assets" directory were the root of your application. So if you have "assets/app.js", in your <script> tag you would include just "/app.js".

Next call vial::asset_dir!() with the path to your asset directory (maybe assets/?) before starting your application with vial::run!:

If we had a directory structure like this:

. ├── ├── assets │   └── img │   ├── banker.png │   └── doctor.png └── src └──

We could serve our images like so:

vial::routes! {
    GET "/" => |_| "
        <p><img src='/img/doctor.png'/></p>
        <p><img src='/img/banker.png'/></p>
fn main() {


By setting an asset directory, either through the vial::asset_dir!() or [vial::bundle_assets!()][bundle_assets api] macro, you can then use the methods in the asset:: module to work with them:

  • asset::etag(): Get the ETag for an asset. Used automatically by the Router if a web request matches an asset's path.

  • asset::exists(): Does an asset exist? Works regardless of whether the asset is bundled or not.

  • asset::is_bundled(): Are assets bundled? Only true in --release mode and when used with the vial::bundle_assets!() macro.

  • asset::to_string(): Like fs::read_to_string(), delivers the content of an asset as a String.

  • asset::as_reader(): Like asset::to_string() but provides an io::Read of an asset, whether or not it's bundled.

Bundling Assets

Vial is meant to be small and swift, like a ninja star. Part of that means Vial apps should be able to compile into standalone binaries that don't rely on the filesystem. In order to accomplish this, Vial can bundle your assets into your final --release binary for you. As long as you the asset::() API described above to access them, all your code will work the same whether your assets are bundled or not.

Combined with the ETag support, this means all assets will be reloaded by your browser whenever they're modified in dev mode for a smoother developmental experience.

To bundle your assets into your final binary in release mode, you must:

  1. REMOVE any calls to the vial::asset_dir!() macro.

  2. Add vial as to [build-dependencies] in your Cargo.toml:

vial = "0.1"

(Yes, you should now have vial in there twice. Once for build-dependencies and once for dependencies. Only the one under dependencies needs to list any optional features you want to use, however.)

  1. Create a in the root of your project and call vial::bundle_assets!() in it, passing your asset directory as the sole argument:
fn main() {

⚠️ Note: Bundling assets and setting an asset path using vial::asset_dir!() are mutually exclusive - you can't do both, as enabling bundling will set the asset path for you. Therefor if you are making the transition from using-assets-but-not-bundling to using-assets-and-bundling-them, make sure to remove your call to vial::asset_dir!.

Other than that, you're all set! Your application will now bundle your assets in --release mode and use the disk in debug and test mode.

All calls to functions in the assets module should work with the files in your asset directory. Add more and get to it!


There are two types of state available in Vial:

  1. Local State - Built-in to Request. Allows caching of expensive algorithms (like DB lookups) on a per-request basis.

  2. Global State - Allows you to share any Send + Sync + 'static types (like database connections) across all requests.

Local State

Local state lives for only a single Request, but can be useful to prevent looking up the same data over and over. The cache is based on the return type of the function or closure you pass to cache(), so make sure to create little wrapper structs if you want different functions to return the same type, like Vec<String>:

struct PageNames(Vec<String>);
struct UserNames(Vec<String>);

Here's an example:

use vial::prelude::*;
use page::Page;
use db;

routes! {
    GET "/" => list;

struct PageNames(Vec<String>);

fn all_pages(_: &Request) -> Vec<Page> {
    db::lookup("select * from pages")

fn page_names(req: &Request) -> PageNames {

fn list_of_names(req: &Request) -> String {
        .map(|name| format!("<li>{}</li>", name))

fn list(req: Request) -> impl Responder {
                <h3>There are {page_count} pages:</h3>
        title = "List Pages",
        page_count = req.cache(all_pages).len(),
        pages = req.cache(list_of_names),

fn main() {

Global State

There are two steps involved in setting up shared, global state in Vial:

  1. Create a struct that is Send + Sync to hold your application's shared state:
use vial;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutx, atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}};
use some_db_crate::DB;

struct MyConfig {
    db: Arc<Mutex<DB>>,
    counter: AtomicUsize,

impl MyConfig {
    pub fn new(db: DB) {
        MyConfig {
            db: Arc::new(Mutex::new(db)),
            counter: AtomicUsize::new(0),
  1. Tell Vial about your state object before calling run!:
fn main() {
    let db = DB::new();

Now your actions and filters can access MyConfig by calling the state() method on Request:

use vial::prelude::*;

routes! {
    GET "/list" => list;

fn find_names(db: Arc<Mutex<DB>>) -> Result<Vec<String>, db::Error> {
    Ok(db.lock()?.query("SELECT name FROM names")?
        .map(|row| row.get("name")?)

fn list(req: Request) -> Result<String> {
            .map(|name| format!("<li>{}</li>", name))

You might find it more convenient to define and implement a local trait on the Request struct instead of calling request.state() directly:

use vial::prelude::*;

routes! {
    GET "/list" => list;

// ...

trait WithConfig {
    fn config(&self) -> &MyConfig;

impl WithConfig for vial::Request {
    fn config(&self) -> &MyConfig {

fn list(req: Request) -> Result<String> {
            .map(|name| format!("<li>{}</li>", name))


Optional Feature: Coming soon.


Extremely basic cookie support is available by enabling the cookies feature in your Cargo.toml:

vial = { version = "*", features = ['cookies'] }

Once it's enabled you can access cookies the client sent using req.cookie(name), set cookies using a similar API to the Request Headers API, or remove cookies using remove_cookie() or without_cookie():

use vial::prelude::*;

routes! {
    GET "/" => show;
    GET "/clear" => clear;
    GET "/set/:count" => set;

fn show(req: Request) -> impl Responder {
    let count: usize = req.cookie("count").unwrap_or("0").parse().unwrap();
    let new_count = count + 1;
    Response::from(format!("count: {}", count))
        .with_cookie("count", new_count.to_string())

fn clear(req: Request) -> impl Responder {

fn set(req: Request) -> Option<impl Responder> {
    let val: usize = req.arg("count")?.parse().unwrap();
        .with_cookie("count", val.to_string()).into()

fn main() {

Like all HTTP key/value pairs, cookie names are case insensitive.


Optional Feature: Coming soon.


Vial supports JSON requests and responses via Serde.

First, enable the json_serde feature in your Cargo.toml:

vial = { version = "*", features = ['json_serde'] }

Now, you can use Request::json to deserialize a JSON request body, and Response::with_json to serialize a JSON response body:

use vial::prelude::*;

routes! {
    POST "/json" => post;

fn post(req: Request) -> impl Responder {
    match req
        .and_then(|val| val.as_object())
        .and_then(|obj| obj.get("message"))
        .and_then(|val| val.as_str())
        .map(|message| message.to_string())
        Some(message) => Response::from(200).with_json(serde_json::json!({
            "message": format!("Echo: {}", message)
        None => Response::from(400).with_body("json request parse error"),

fn main() {

Serde's derive macro can conveniently generate code to serialize and deserialize structs and enums, including helpful error messages. To use it, add a dependency on serde with the derive feature enabled in your Cargo.toml:

serde = { version = "*", features=["derive"] }

Now, you can use Request::json and Response::with_json with any type implementing serde::Deserialize and serde::Serialize, respectively:

use vial::prelude::*;

routes! {
    POST "/json" => post;

#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
struct Echo {
    message: String,

fn post(req: Request) -> impl Responder {
    match req.json::<Echo>() {
        Ok(echo) => Response::from(200).with_json(Echo {
            message: format!("Echo: {}", echo.message),
        Err(e) => Response::from(400).with_body(e.to_string()),

fn main() {


"Pro Tip": Coming soon.


"Pro Tip": Coming soon.

如果喜欢轻量级框架,应该试试 Sinatra,起码有 Stripe 在用,证明了生产环境可靠性。


Rei 回复

主要是最近关注 Rust,sinatra 看过,源代码不好理解。我学习一段时间看是否看懂源代码,再来讨论。

chenge 回复

用框架没必要把源码都看懂吧,也就出 bug 的时候会看一下是框架问题还是自己问题。

Web 应用相当一部分在调外部接口,例如支付接口、错误收集、日志系统,如果用小众语言发现没有相应的 client 就要自己写了,很麻烦。(Ruby 在 Web 领域不是小众)



看了下源码,立马就发现和 rust 和 ruby 的思维方式不一样。

rust 为了性能尽可能减少内存拷贝,一旦需要处理 buffer 代码就不那么直观了。 ruby 就只管使劲拷贝。

Rei 回复

我感觉 rust 适应面更广,所以选择发展 rust。如果能够理解框架肯定更好了。

rust+golang => vlang

fn (b Blog) show_post(id int) vweb.Result {
  post := b.posts_repo.retrieve(id) or {
    return vweb.not_found()
  return vweb.view(post)

tablecell 回复

这个 v 还是第一次听说,我看了有 2 万,rust 6 万,go 是 9 万。 介绍是对 go 的改进。

这里有一个 v 语言对比其他语言, 感觉代码比较简洁,rust 代码比较繁琐,值得学习。目前是 0.3 版本,不知道作者是谁?


lidashuang 回复

够烂码农哭着喊着要的泛型,google 就是不加,但是 vlang 自带泛型,够烂码农就是不搭理 说明够烂码农也是宁愿坐在宝马车里哭,也不愿坐自行车上笑

大佬 请问 rust 在 web 方面比起 golang 的性能,ruby 的业务开发效率,它的优点是什么呢?

rust 发布 1.56.0 了,默认已经为 Rust 2021 Edition 了。

EvanYa 回复

对比 go 性能优势不大,语言层面有优点,比如错误处理。

对比 ruby 主要的优点是性能和编译可靠性。

另外,rust 的 web 框架数量多,目前还没有听说独大的优势框架。

原来脚本语言是同一个数量级的 够烂出现以后,逼着拍黄片提高性能 又是 strict type 强类型,又是 swoole 拧巴的异步写法 又是 jit 现在拍黄片的性能快追上够烂了 rust/elixir 出现以后,ruby 也要被拖着走,不然,靠 rails 这种又笨又重的 monster 除了做后台 admin crud 啥也干不了

chenge 回复

感谢大佬 学习了

需要 登录 后方可回复, 如果你还没有账号请 注册新账号