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This article will introduce how CPU handle function call and how to do user level thread switch.
Let's image a simple computer, all instructions are stored in memory, and CPU will execute the instruction on by one in sequence.
As we want to pick an instruction to execute, we need to know the instruction's address in memory.
So we have to find a place to hold such info for CPU, CPU uses registers for this purpose.
The registers are much more faster than memory, accessing a register may need one CPU cycle and accessing a memory location may need hundred CPU cycles.
But CPU just has limited registers, may 32 or 64 or more, but can't get as much as we want.
The register for storing next instruction's address is PC
After we executed one instruction, we move the PC
4 byte forward (suppose 32 bits for each instruction).
Then CPU will execute the instruction which is point by PC
We can describe this in code
instructions = [i0, i1, ....in]
pc = 0
while true
pc += 4
Now let's to see how loop works.
For loop we need exec some instructions again and agin, such as instruction-0, instruction-1, .... instruction-n, then instruction-0, instruction-1, .... instruction-n...
As we know PC
is pointed to the next instruction to execute, so after we executed instruction-n, we just need to set PC
to the instruction-0's address, then cpu will loop again.
It's time for function call.
Suppose there is some code as below:
1 foo :=
2 instruction0
3 call bar
4 instruction1
5 instruction2
7 bar :=
8 instruction0
9 ret
For function foo
, we need execute some instruction then call bar
function and execute remain instructions.
For function bar
, we need execute some instruction and return.
So we need jump to bar
and jump back.
When we jump to bar
, we just need to update PC
to bar
's location. Then CPU will execute bar
's instructions.
After we finished bar
's execution code we need jump back to line 4's address.
For doing this we need one place to hold the line 4's address (for jumping back).
We can store it in memory but memory is slow, so we store it in register. This special purpose register is called ra
so the call and ret can be defined as below:
call label :=
ra <- pc + 4 // assign next instruction for ret, which is line 4's address in our example
pc <- label // jump to the callee, for foo is bar's address
ret :=
pc <- ra // jump back
It works for on level function call.
But what if we have 3 functions? Likes function f
calls foo
and foo
calls bar
1 0000 f := exec order ra's value description
2 0004 instruction-x 0 0
3 0008 call foo 1 000a
4 000a instruction-x
5 000e ret
6 0010 foo :=
7 0014 instruction-x 2 000a
8 0016 call bar 3 0001e
9 001e instruction-x 6 001e
10 0010 ret 7 001e jump to 001e, line 9 again...
11 0014 bar :=
12 0018 instruction-x 4 001e
13 001a ret 5 001e jump to 001e, line 9
Let's walk above code step by step.
For line 3, the ra's value is 000a(at line 3), then we jump to foo function(at line 6).
Then we execute call bar
at line 8 and the ra's value will be updated to 001e(at line 9).
After bar
has been executed, ra
's value is 001e(at line 9), so we jump to line 9.
But when we execute line 10, current ra
's value is 001e(at line 9), we jump back to line 9 again.
It's an infinite loop.
That happens because at line 8 we overwrite the original pa
's value.
We need many places to store the ongoing functions' return addresses but we only have limited register.
It is impossible to store all those return address into registers, so we store them in memory.
For each function call we need some small memory to save ra
and after the function has been executed we will need get the data back and free the memory.
For function f
we need allocate memory and store 000e(line 3) to it and for foo
we need allocate memory and store 0001e(at line 9),
after bar
has been executed then we need get last value(0001e at line 9) back and deallocate memory
then do same thing for value 000e(line 3).
The operations are push, push and pop, pop, so we can use stack.
For stack we need allocates some memory(eg: 4kb) and one pointer which points to the top of the stack.
When we do push, we move the pointer forward and store ra
to the last location.
After a function has been called, we pop the value and move the pointer backward.
As this happens so often, hardware designer provides one register for us, it is called sp
Register ra
's value only has meaning in current function, when we executed an inner function such as bar
, the ra
should have different value.
It is a temporary register, such registers should be saved by caller.
And there is another kind of register which are preserved across function calls,
so if callee needs to use such register, he needs to save them and restore them back before return to caller.
This kind of registers are callee saved registers.
Above is how we handle function call.
NOTICE: Those are based on MIT 6.S081 2020 Multithreading lab.
We need build a function for switching two thread.
And the function will be called likes switch(thread1, thread2)
, thread1 is a variable which stores thread 1's state.
When call switch
function we will switch from thread1
to thread2
When we call switch
, CPU will begin execute switch
And after all switch
's instructions have been executed, switch will not jump back to is callee place in thread 1, but will jump to other place in thread 2.
It works as same as function call except it doesn't return back.
For normal function all, compiler will help us to save register and handle return address.
For switch, we need handle those stuff by myself.
First thing is store current thread's state. Suppose we have structures as below:
struct context {
uint64 ra;
uint64 register1;
uint64 register2;
struct thread {
struct context context;
and we call switch
by switch(&threa_1->context, &thread_2->context)
We need use assembly code to save thread_1's return address and other registers,
// a0 is thread 1's context address
sd ra, 0(a0) // save thread_1->context.ra into ra register
sd register1, 8(a0) // save thread_2->context.register1 into register1
sd register2, 16(a0) // save thread_2->context.register2 into register2
Then we need to load thread_2's context into those registers
// a1 is thread 2's context address
ld ra, 0(a1) // load thread_2->context.ra into ra register
ld register1, 8(a1) // load thread_2->context.register1 into register1
ld register2, 16(a1) // load thread_2->context.register2 into register2
Above code will allow us switch thread1 to thread2, but it doesn't work correlty.
Because we can have many threads but only have one stack.
We need different stacks for different user level threads and when we switch thread we need switch stack too.
So let add one field for storing the stack, the thread structure becomes:
struct thread {
char stack[MAX_STACK_SIZE]; // toy code, do not handle stack overflow
struct context context;
and as we have different stack, we need add sp to context
struct context {
uint64 ra;
uint64 sp;
uint64 register1;
uint64 register2;
and switch
// a0 is thread 1's context address
sd ra, 0(a0) // save thread_1->context.ra into ra register
sd sp, 8(a0) // save thread_1->context.sp into sp register
sd register1, 16(a0) // save thread_1->context.register1 into register1
// a1 is thread 2's context address
ld ra, 0(a1) // load thread_2->context.ra into ra register
ld sp, 8(a1) // load thread_2->context.ra into sp register
ld register1, 16(a1) // load thread_2->context.register1 into register1
When we create a user level thread, we need set the stack's address for the thread's context.sp
field and set context.ra
to the function we want to execute.
So when we switch to the thread, CPU will jump to the thread->context.ra
and use thread->context.sp
as its stack.
The memory layout as below:
From this section, we know if we want to have user level thread,
we need to allocate memory for each user level thread's stack and handle ra
and other callee registers in switch
That's how we handle user level thread switching.