Go 如何优雅地处理泛型问题

tinyfeng · April 16, 2020 · Last by HDJ replied at August 14, 2022 · 3578 hits


返回值为 interface{},如何优雅地访问返回值的成员/方法

type Student struct {
    Name string `xlsxCol:"student name"`
    Age string `xlsxCol:"student age"`
    Grade string `xlsxCol:"student grate"`

type Teacher struct {
    Name string `xlsxCol:"teacher name"`
    Age string `xlsxCol:"teacher age"`

func parse(path string, t reflect.Type) []interface{} {
... // 已经实现


result := parse("/tmp/xxx.xslx", reflect.TypeOf(Student{}))
if len(result) > 0 {
    result[0].Name // 怎么可以访问到这个属性

如果是 debug 模式,在result[0].Name 这一行打断点,已经可以看到result[0]{interface{} | Student}的类型,且 debug 模式可以使用 Evaluate Expression result[0].Name 访问到 Name,但是静态编译肯定过不了。



func parseToStudent(path string) []Student {
func parseToTeacher(path string) []Teacher {


go 就是这样,写起来很别扭,调试也麻烦

大致如下,一些边缘 case 检查(obj 不是指针)这边忽略了

func parse(ss string, obj interface{}) {
    var (
        v = reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem()
        f = v.FieldByName("Age")

    if f.CanSet() {


type nameSetable interface{ SetName(string) }
type ageSetable interface{ SetAge(string) }
type gradeSetable interface{ SetGrade(string) }

type student struct {
    Name  string `xlsxCol:"student name"`
    Age   string `xlsxCol:"student age"`
    Grade string `xlsxCol:"student grate"`

var _ nameSetable = &student{}
var _ ageSetable = &student{}
var _ gradeSetable = &student{}

func (s *student) SetName(ss string)  { s.Name = ss }
func (s *student) SetAge(ss string)   { s.Age = ss }
func (s *student) SetGrade(ss string) { s.Grade = ss }

type teacher struct {
    Name string `xlsxCol:"teacher name"`
    Age  string `xlsxCol:"teacher age"`

var _ nameSetable = &teacher{}
var _ ageSetable = &teacher{}

func (s *teacher) SetName(ss string) { s.Name = ss }
func (s *teacher) SetAge(ss string)  { s.Age = ss }

func parse(ss string, obj interface{}) {
    if s, ok := obj.(nameSetable); ok {

    if s, ok := obj.(ageSetable); ok {

    if s, ok := obj.(gradeSetable); ok {


我基本不用 go 的泛型,写着窝火。

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