About SuccessFactors
SuccessFactors is the leading provider of cloud-based Business Execution (BizX) software solutions to organizations of all sizes, with more than 15 million users across multiple industries and geographies.
We have more than 3,500 customers in more than 168 countries in 34 languages.
SuccessFactors solutions focus on Business Alignment (people working on the right things) and People Performance (performing at full potential). We help companies execute faster and smarter, with greater precision and better business results than ever before.
In the end of 2011, SuccessFactors became part of SAP to drive all cloud business globally for SAP.
Job Responsibility
- Develop new features, and work to maintain the existing application framework (ROR).
- Responsible for the design and implementation of mobile API servers and microservices to serve enterprise mobile applications iPhone, iPad, Android and others.
- Work with internal business teams and product management to define requirements and develop technical specifications.
- Serve as core contributor owning full life cycle product development.
- Work to architect and re-factor code and design for optimal maintainability, extensibility and re-usability.
- 3+ years of experience in backend software development, including Java/Go/NodeJS, 1+ years of Ruby/Ruby On Rails development.
- Fluent in Ruby programming language.
- Strength in all the Rails fundamentals (routing, active record, migrations, modules, bundles ...)
- Demonstrated experience building, deploying commercial Ruby on Rails applications
- TDD experience is a must
- Solid knowledge of OOD/OOP and HTTP Protocol
- Solid knowledge of Linux/Unix
- Fluent in at least one popular rational DB like MySQL
- Excellent English written and oral communications, ability to work with remote teams
- Experience working in an Agile environment
- Experience on CI/CD tools like Jenkins/GoCD/Team city
- Experience creating RESTful APIs
- Experience on microservice
- Experience on containerized skills e.g. docker/kubenetes
- Experience of NoSQL DB like Mongo/Redis
参考自Xiaorong 发过的招聘帖,有改动
- 现磨咖啡,尝起来还不错
- 15 寸顶配 MBP。一堆最新的 iPhone, iPad, Android 机器给你玩。
- 免费午餐,有中餐,面,西餐等。另外食堂每年定期会请一些名厨来改善伙食,春夏秋冬有时令菜品,比如火锅等。
- 过生日的时候,会有礼物、蛋糕。
- 覆盖其他家庭成员的医疗商业保险。
- 每年补贴 3600 元健身费用。每年春节和中秋有 888 元大礼包。
- 目前团队在美国和北欧都有同事,到了这你英语水平已定不会差,有机会去美国出差。
- 不打卡,每周可以最多两天在家工作,15+ 带薪假期,12+ 带薪病假,生活和工作比较好平衡。
- 公司每年都有 Familly Day,可以带小朋友来玩,公司会组织带领小朋友做游戏用餐等。
- 公司有健身房,有组织瑜伽,民族舞,太极训练等,还有跑步机,乒乓,桌上足球等。
SAP 所在张江软件园区

SAP 很注重生活和工作平衡,家庭和工作都很重要,图为 SuccessFactors Family Day

以下为来自于 @xiaoronglv 同学之前的招聘帖
SAP 办公室环境


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