招聘 [上海] 易空海招聘资深 JS 全职开发人员

jerryshen · 2012年05月18日 · 最后由 luoping0425 回复于 2012年08月04日 · 3865 次阅读

易空海招聘资深 JS 全职开发人员,可直接发送简历到下面的招聘邮箱,也可以通过我推荐,大家有兴趣的或者有推荐人选的,可以联系在下,本人邮箱 [email protected]

You will be a vital member of a small team of smart people. We all have specialties and need a self motivated javascript developer to complete our team. We’ll give you the opportunity to do a wide variety of projects, flexing your coding knowledge to its limits and pay you too :)


  • strong Javascript background
  • AJAX
  • jQuery
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • experience in cross-platform compatibility (IE, Firefox, Safari and Chrome)
  • version control (GIT)
  • willing to learn new technology
  • self motivated
  • experience with Agile methodologies

Nice to Have

  • Ruby on Rails
  • Node.js

About the Company

We are a group of digital consultants specializing in digital design & development with offices in Shanghai and Singapore.

We create custom digital solutions tailored to our client’s specific needs. Since our founding in 2007, our work has helped hundreds of clients - from start-ups to enterprises - reach or exceed their digital objectives.

Our process is simple: ideate, create, test and optimize. We believe that speed, in digital, is of the upmost importance. Thus, our process is aimed at reducing the time between ideation and creation - allowing us to launch new products at blazing speeds so we can get to what really matters - the user’s habits, wants and needs.

How to Apply

Send an email with your resume in English or Chinese to [email protected] with the subject ‘Javascript Guru’

顶一下 Jerry

友情帮顶!易空海公司的 Maxim 是 shanghaionrails 的发起人之一,并且过去一直赞助了上海这边的线下活动以及 RubyConfChina 等等,公司应该主要以欧美项目为主,推荐。

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