Good Product Team / Bad Product Team
- Good teams get their inspiration and product ideas from their scorecard KPI’s, from observing customers struggle, from analyzing the data customers generate from using their product, and from constantly seeking to apply new technology to solve real problems. Bad teams gather requirements from sales and customers.
- 好的团队从 KPI, 观察用户痛点,产品使用数据中得到灵感和产品 idea,并且不断尝试用新技术解决问题;差的团队从销售和用户处收集需求。
- Good teams have product, design and engineering sit side-by-side, and embrace the give and take between the functionality, the user experience and the enabling technology.Bad teams sit in their respective functional areas, and ask that others make requests for their services in the form of documents and scheduling meetings.
- 好的团队产品、设计师、工程师坐在一起,并且理解功能、用户体验和技术之间必需的妥协;差的团队各自坐在自己部门的办公室里,等着其他人发文档、开会来请自己工作。
- Good teams are skilled in the many techniques to rapidly try out product ideas to determine which ones are truly worth building.Bad teams hold meetings to generate prioritized roadmaps.
- 好的团队有各种各样的方法来快速尝试不同的 idea,来决定哪个真正值得做;差的团队靠开会来决定先做什么再做什么。
- Good teams ensure that their engineers have time to try out the discovery prototypes every day so that they can contribute their thoughts on how to make the product better.Bad teams show the prototypes to the engineers during sprint planning so they can estimate.
- 好的团队确保工程师有时间尝试各种原型,这样他们也能为产品贡献想法;差的团队把原型拿给工程师,好让他们估计需要完成的时间
另,全文翻译见 https://book.douban.com/review/8421504/