... ActionController::UnknownFormat (SessionsController#new is missing a template for this request format and variant.
request.formats: ["text/html"] request.variant: []
NOTE! For XHR/Ajax or API requests, this action would normally respond with 204 No Content: an empty white screen. Since you're loading it in a web browser, we assume that you expected to actually render a template, not⦠nothing, so we're showing an error to be extra-clear. If you expect 204 No Content, carry on. That's what you'll get from an XHR or API request. Give it a shot.): ...
Gemfile: ... source :gemcutter
gem 'rails', ''
gem 'aasm' gem 'acts_as_tree' gem 'awesome_print' gem 'compass' gem 'haml-rails' ...... ... 切换到 erb,没问题