About Ruby 2.0.0 As it has been announced before, all support for Ruby 2.0.0 has ended today. Bug and security fixes from more recent Ruby versions will no longer be backported to 2.0.0, and no further patch release of 2.0.0 will be released.
We are planning to release Ruby 2.1.9 by the end of March. After the release, we will end the normal maintenance phase of 2.1, and start the security maintenance phase of it. This means that after the release of 2.1.9 we will never backport any bug fixes to 2.1 except security fixes.
发稿当天就停掉 2.0 的支持,以后的 Bug 和安全修复将不会管 2.0 了。 计划 2.1.9 将会在 3 月底发布,2.1.9 之后,Bug 修复将不会管 2.1,但安全修复会处理。
总的来说,就是官方催大家该升级 2.3 了.......
题外话,GitLab 到目前任然只能跑在 2.1.x 上面...