往 Gemfile 加了这个文件之后 bundle update 时老是出现网络问题: Could not reach host bundler.rubygems.org. Check your network connection and try again 加入其它 gem 不会出现这样的问题 好奇怪
@easonlovewan 从你的日志来看,你的 source 不对。 Gemfile 里面的 source 你应该写: source 'https://ruby.taobao.org'
#10 楼 @markgeek 因为。不加这个机器内应该之前已经装过 gem 的一些版本了。不需要再通过网络请求从新拉取 (我感觉是这样 @easonlovewan
Hello all,
My name is Igor, I'm a creator of RailsDB gem, and I just saw link to this page from where are people coming. I want to thank you for your feedback. Please use gem, soon it's planned to add I18n support so you anybody can help with translations. BTW yesterday was a new gem release with cool features:
Please check them https://github.com/igorkasyanchuk/rails_db Igor
#21 楼 @igorkasyanchuk I like this gem and already used in my current project.
Thanks, I'm really appreciate this!
BTW new version of gem is available from today (version 0.9) - https://github.com/igorkasyanchuk/rails_db now you can EDIT content in DB. If you want you can check demo:
Hello Ruby-Community,
- see quick demo to see example of using powerful filters in Rails DB. Multiple conditions, sorting added.
Gem: https://github.com/igorkasyanchuk/rails_db
Please give it a try! Thanks, Igor
Rails DB finally reached version 1.0, one last thing which I wanted to finish before release was - creating records. So now Rails DB is very similar to ActiveAdmin for example or similar gems + has own set of cool features.
Please give it a try https://github.com/igorkasyanchuk/rails_db