Ruby 有没有类似 MIT OCW 6.00 Introduction to CS and programming 但是 Ruby 语言的公开课呢?

durden · 2012年04月20日 · 最后由 durden 回复于 2012年04月24日 · 3418 次阅读

麻省理工开放课程:计算机科学及编程导论》(MIT ocw 6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming)


Carnegie Mellon 大学 Tom Cortina 教授有堂叫“Principles of Computation 的课程,其介绍是:It starts with a history of computation, but in Week 2, students start learning the programming language Ruby. Then the course covers iteration, recursion, random number generators and other topics. 但貌似不是 open course ware

又查了下,貌似日后会将这门课作为 OCW 发布出来

Future Courses: Principles of Computing

Development work is just beginning on a new course developed in conjunction with the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon. This 14 unit course will begin with a brief introduction of the history of computer science and reach as far as discussions of intractable problems in computer science. This introductory survey course is funded by the Kresge Foundation.

我知道斯坦福的 Web 开发公开课,从前端 HTML、CSS 到 Ruby、Rails、SQL,再到 Javascript、DOM 都讲了个遍。我只看过一小部分,好像还是老版本的 Rails,对初学者应该还是很有帮助的。


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