heroku 绑定域名时只能是 cname,没有 ip,子域名没问题。 但是根域名被邮箱的设置 MX 用掉了,所以不能再用 cname 域名是万网的,看说明还有‘显性 URL’和‘隐形 URL’2 个可以用,但是都要求是备案过的域名,国外的网站又不能备案(或者很麻烦) 官网上说 还可以用 ALIAS/ANAME 这 2 个东西,但是万网没这 2 个东西 https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/custom-domains
Configuring DNS for root domains
Configuring your DNS provider for a root domain is similar to configuring a DNS provider for a subdomain. However, whereas with subdomains the type of record to configure is always a CNAME, with root domains the type of record depends on the DNS provider:
Whichever provider you have, point the ALIAS/ANAME/CNAME entry for your root domain to the DNS Target, just as you would with a CNAME record:
除了备案 和 不用 heroku 还有没有其他省事的解决方案?