瞎扯淡 The Ruby Community: The Next Version

hooopo · June 10, 2015 · Last by ftandy replied at June 19, 2015 · 2196 hits


Ruby developers are used to being spoonfed integrated solutions. Many new and intermediate developers immediately reach for gem install business-logic, expect to configure something then ship. This creates a cycle of focusing on immediate needs and not long term sustained development. How many of us consider ramifications of using a library or other decision 6 months from now, or even two years from now? The long term result is many Ruby developers cannot shoulder technical responsibility or code ownership. I'm finding it increasingly difficult to find developers who have experience implementing business logic, low level technical requirements, or cannot survive without frameworks.

gem install business-logic,business-logic 是 devise,是 acts as ooxx。确实,业务逻辑相关的插件让 Ruby 开发者不喜欢自己动脑子了。喜欢依赖组织,认为伸手拿来一个 gem 就可以搞定一个业务需求,甚至喜欢拿着锤子找钉子,认为如果某 gem 不容易实现一个功能一定是由于需求不合理。同时,也练就了一套修 bug 独特方法,有问题找组织,github issue 下伸手,学会 monkey patch 大法等独门绝技。

Today the culture prefers pretty code over technical correctness. This is evident in proliferation of DSLs instead of well designed and reusable APIs

嗯,设计自以为是的 DSL 和滥用元编程。

所以赶紧换 Erlang 啊,早换早用上真正的 DSL 和 metaprogramming

#1 楼 @bhuztez 学过,真心学不会啊 亲!,一天下来,GoLang 我都能写的唰唰了,erlang 看着头疼....

#1 楼 @bhuztez 所以快写 21 天学通 Erlang

Ruby 社区的问题就是太多人成长成 Rails 程序员了

能把这些 gem 用对也不容易。。。


#4 楼 @knwang 中国 rails 程序员还是太少了

#5 楼 @jasl 严重同意,能用对就不容易了,改造好更不容易了。

有的时候用好一个 gem 比重写一个还难,你不仅得会写,还得看得懂别人写的。 我觉得后者比前者更难。 端午节绿了,哭。


api 和类库搬运工

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