招聘 [远程] RankAbove (还还在)招高级 Ruby 全栈工程师

ngtzeyang · 2015年05月06日 · 最后由 allenzhong 回复于 2015年11月20日 · 5274 次阅读


We are looking for experienced engineers to join our team, and to participate in the fullstack development of our SEO software. The RankAbove platform is the world’s leading SEO technology, servicing some of the biggest brands and websites in the world.

The Company

RankAbove is an SEO (search engine optimization) software company that enables websites to climb the organic/unpaid search rankings by becoming search engine friendly, and as relevant as possible for its targeted keywords, in the eyes of Google.

Founded in 2007, we have offices in Tel Aviv and NYC. Our customers, many of who are Fortune 500 companies, include the likes of eBay, 1800Flowers, MTV and other Viacom companies, and GroupM. The company currently has 18 full-time employees.

The Software

The RankAbove platform runs on Linux servers and is programmed with Ruby and C++.  There are new and exciting features in the pipeline for the next iteration, and yet RankAbove is already the most advanced and complex SEO solution on the market. The features we’re building for the new UI will help us maintain global leadership in the organic search industry.

The Position

We are looking for stellar engineers to participate in the fullstack development of the next iteration of our platform. You will apply the most advanced development practices of pure ruby, ruby meta programming, RoR and front and backend technologies to drive forward our technology. Every line of code you write will have direct impact on RankAbove's worldwide and enterprise-sized customers. 

While the work can be done remotely, you’ll be part of a small and highly collaborative team of engineers, and have a direct say in how you think things should be done. The work culture here is as flat of a hierarchical structure as you can get, and we work best with autonomy and trust. 

We don't just get work done.  We engage in code reviews to help everyone become a better programmer… and we have a good time.

The Requirements

  • Expert level experience in pure Ruby, Ruby on Rails
  • Expert level experience with testing, using Rspec
  • Extensive experience with Ruby meta-programming
  • Extensive experience with Front-End technologies such as AngularJS, JS, HTML and CSS
  • Extensive experience in Back-End development and Full Stack development
  • Experience with MySQL
  • Experience with Amazon hosting (AWS, RDS)
  • Experience in Linux
  • Prior startup experience, and experience with SaaS, is highly preferred
  • MUST be fluent in spoken & written English


Negotiable based on the skillset & competency. It can be in the range of 25 - 36k per mth.

Additional Notes

  • this is a remote position
  • flexible hours, but a couple of hours of daily sync up is required

Further Enquiry

See the job posting for specific requirements and to apply, and browse our site to learn more about what we do.

Alternatively, feel free to ping me (at [email protected] or [email protected]).

这要求,英语溜的话,一个月得 40K

我是来给 RankAbove 背书的!希望大家关注这家公司,走过路过不要错过机会,把简历投给 RankAbove。

今天 RankAbove 联系到我,才发现原来跟 @ngtzeyang 很早就认识,大概四五年前我在上海组织 RubyTuesday 线下活动的时候,他就跟社区里面的另外一个大牛 @flyerhzm 一起来参加活动。当时黄志敏做了一个 网站,收集各种 Rails 相关的最佳实践。然后 @ngtzeyang 是一个测试控,特别喜欢写高质量的 rspec 测试,帮忙给这个网站添加各种测试项目,并且还在 RubyTuesday 做了 rspec 的主题分享。那个时候还没有这个论坛,大家还是通过邮件列表联系,活动场地还是在淮海中路的布那咖啡,@ngtzeyang 是新加坡人,当时是一个 Freelancer,之所以会来上海是因为他找到了一个上海的女朋友,现在已经是他的太太了,呵呵。

这是招聘文案做的不到位的地方,无法从招聘文案上看出公司的业务,技术架构,市场前景,以及给应聘者带来一个什么样的机会等等,这个方面 @ngtzeyang 之后会完善一下招聘文案,请大家放心。


谢谢 @lgn21st 的建议,是的,写帖子方面,我还得多多用心,多多加油.

OOPS,其实四五年前的她已是太太了 :)


@ngtzeyang 童鞋绝对靠谱啊,远程工作,时间又灵活,有能力的不妨试一下

“Expert level, Extensive experience”.match(/大牛/)


是呀,英语确实可能是个问题.不过个人觉得这是个不错的机会,毕竟系统本身也是颇具难度的,虽然有时很让人头疼,不过,that's how we earn our badge rite ?

由于我们不爱 micro-management,所以在日常运作方面,还是享有蛮多自由的.所有开发员都是平等的,至少到目前为止,我还没碰到”老板说了算“的问题。测试方面,我们也尽量做到位.到位的测试,加上严格的 code review,我们坚信这样能够预防 broken window effect.



@darkbaby123 希望我们将来还有合作的机会 😄

Hey Guys, 我们现在也正在考虑 mid-level 的开发员,有兴趣的可与我联系!!

#12 楼 @ngtzeyang mid-level 对英文要求高么,读文档 OK,希望有合作机会 😃

@PlayMonkey 是的,对英语的要求还是有的,毕竟团队里只有我一人懂中文,在日常运作方面,大家可以互相沟通还是比较好的。还有,面试的时候也是以英语进行的。其实,按过去的经验,大部分的国内开发员的英语表达方面还是可以的,不必太担心。


是的,有时确实会觉得累,毕竟希望 beta 快点出炉,RankAbove 也算小公司,小公司的节奏就是这样的。不过,还好没碰到 OT 的情况,还能兼顾家庭生活。@salembe 我们合作过?

年底还招聘吗,我要练级 到时候试试。

@ngtzeyang 老朋友的招聘要顶,话说这是我在 ruby-china 上看到的薪资最高的职位了。

#17 楼 @skpark1987 好主意,但估计再给我练一年都不行。。。

#19 楼 @jcd 我觉得 最难得 还是英语。。。

hey @nouse 好久没聊聊了,还记得你当年是 sinatra 的粉丝 :)

@ngtzeyang 突然看到这篇帖子,不知道近况如何,比较有兴趣。

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