瞎扯淡 Vivaldi: Opera 的继承者

huopo125 · March 09, 2015 · Last by mogodb replied at March 10, 2015 · 2396 hits

Our Story

In 1994, two programmers started working on a web browser. Our idea was to make a really fast browser, capable of running on limited hardware, keeping in mind that users are individuals with their own requirements and wishes. Opera was born. Our little piece of software gained traction, our group grew and a community was created. We stayed close to our users and to our roots. We kept improving our software, based on our users feedback, as well as our own ideas on how to make a great browser. We innovated and we strove for excellence.

Fast forward to 2015, the browser we once loved has changed its direction. Sadly, it is no longer serving its community of users and contributors who helped build the browser in the first place.


We must make a new browser. A browser for ourselves and a browser for our friends. A browser that is fast, but also a browser that is rich in functionality, highly flexible and puts the user first. A browser that is made for you.

好啊,多谢!我从 5.0 起一直用 Opera, 非常好用。但自改用 Webkit 之后,新的 Opera 已经变得不伦不类了,还不如直接用 Chrome。这个 Vivaldi 看起来不错!

也搞 webkit 了...

#1 楼 @billy 不错在哪里?速度么?

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