你好 我是外国编程人员,我想在中国 deploy RailsApp 给中国人用。国外我经常用 Heroku + Amazon S3, 我听说国内这些服务速度很慢或者不能用。在中国有相似的服务吗?你们建议什么服务 deploy Rails Apps?
We are an international company. Our site comes with two copies, one globally and on in China. While we hosted our global sites on Heroku/EC2/S3, we had to use a VPS in China because we couldn't find a Heroku equivalent. The VPS provider we chose was GrandCloud(盛大云). Combined with their own cloud storage solution (S3 equivalent), it worked pretty well. We hired someone on taobao to help us with 备案。
备案并非那么可怕。 1、用企业的营业执照作为备案主体,以后用它给别的域名备案,都算作这个主体下面得域名。所以,选一个从未备案过的企业营业执照,+1 难度。 2、网站负责人需要有身份证,其他证件类型没试过。该人员可以自己索取背景幕布,拍照并寄回。需要负责人有备案申请地的手机号码。+1 难度。 3、建议选择北京上海等大地方的朋友帮忙代办 1、2,因为备案要邮寄纸质的材料到当地通信管理局,+1 难度。
You might also consider deploying in Japan (e.g at Linode's Tokyo datacenter), which would result a relatively lower latency (80 ~ 100 ms), also avoid paperwork with Chinese gov.
可以使用 Coding.net (https://coding.net) 集合代码托管,项目协作,质量检测,香港 PaaS 平台 免备案 (https://coding.net/u/panpan/p/Coding-PaaS/topic/10263) 可以试试~