Rails has_many :through, and Polymorphic Associations 在 Rails3.1.1 里不工作了?

poshboytl · November 28, 2011 · Last by poshboytl replied at February 04, 2012 · 4279 hits
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
   has_many :memberships
   has_many :accounts, :through => :memberships, :source => 'membershipable', :source_type => 'Account'
   has_many :projects, :through => :memberships, :source => 'membershipable', :source_type => 'Project'

class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :memberships, :as => :membershipable
  has_many :users, :through => :memberships

class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :memberships, :as => :membershipable
  has_many :users, :through => :memberships

class Membership < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :user
  belongs_to :membershipable, :polymorphic => true

代码很简单,需求就是把 account 和 project 所属的用户都记录在 membership 中。

User.first.projects << Project.first 不工作 NameError: uninitialized constant Membership::Membershipable

不知道大家在 rails 3.1.1 下用 has_many :through 和 Polymorphic Associations 是否出现过这样的问题?

我记得在以前的 rails 版本中是支持的。今天发现 3.1.1 不支持了,feature or bug?


TL;NR: It's a 3.1.1 bug, add :primary_key => :id to belongs_to :membershipable in Membership model as a work around :)


#1 楼 @jan Perfect answer. And the work around works well.

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