改改,添加上下文 Finding nearby check-ins
Let’s create a method for finding nearby check-ins. PostGIS has a function named ST_DWithin which returns true if two locations are within a certain distance of each other. In app/models/checkin.rb, add the following to the top of the class:
class Checkin < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :nearby_to,
lambda { |location, max_distance|
where("ST_DWithin(location, ?, ?) AND id != ?", checkin.location, max_distance, checkin.id)
In app/controllers/checkins_controller.rb, add the following:
def show
@checkin = Checkin.find(params[:id])
@nearby_checkins = Checkin.nearby_to(@checkin, 1000)
In app/views/checkins/show.html.erb, add the following just before the links in the bottom:
<h2>Nearby check-ins</h2>
<% @nearby_checkins.each do |checkin| %>
<li><%= link_to checkin.title, checkin %></li>
<% end %>
It now shows all nearby checkins. Try adding a couple more based on your current location and see it in action. 在这段代码里
class Checkin < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :nearby_to,
lambda { |location, max_distance|
where("ST_DWithin(location, ?, ?) AND id != ?", checkin.location, max_distance, checkin.id)
这个 checkin 变量哪里来的?还有 location 这个传入参数还是没使用到?