线下活动 [上海] 2014.6.7 Growth Hacker Meetup 报名啦

joycehan · 2014年06月04日 · 最后由 caojunvincent 回复于 2014年06月08日 · 2578 次阅读

这次活动,除了 Strikingly 的达峰会带来我们的故事,我们也邀请了 Teambition 的郑焱和蜻蜓 FM 的王磊给大家分享他们的经验。

2014 Growth Hacker Meetup--Shanghai 时间:6 月 7 日,下午 3 点 -5 点 地点:近静安寺 官方活动页面: http://growthhacker2014.strikingly.com

活动简介: Growth Hacking 这几年在硅谷兴起并成为了创业圈里的一大话题。作为一家在硅谷诞生并成长的团队,Strikingly 希望通过组织这次聚会来把 Growth Hacking 的文化带到上海。我们将会与此次参与聚会的大家讨论 Growth Hacking 的方法以及分享一些实际的案例。我们非常欢迎你参与进来,交流彼此的 Growth Hacking 故事,认识志同道合的朋友! 请填写 RSVP,我们会尽快通知您活动地点。

我们欢迎: 如果你每天思考如何飞速增长,如何扩展,如何重复,如何使用非寻常的方法达到增长目标,你应该来参加我们的聚会。 如果你是一名增长型黑客,产品经理,程序员或你对 Growth Hacking 很感兴趣,你应该来加入我们的聚会。

RSVP: 点击我们的官方活动页面进行 RSVP: http://growthhacker2014.strikingly.com 由于场地大小限制,本次活动人数将限制在 20-30 人。因此我们无法保证所有报名者都能参加,请各位尽快 RSVP! 报名截止时间:6 月 6 日


Title: 2014 Growth Hacker Meetup--Shanghai Time: 3pm-5pm June 7 (Sat) Location: close to Jingan Temple Official Event Page: http://growthhacker2014.strikingly.com

Growth hacking has been one of THE discussion topic among startups since Sean Ellis coined the term. As a startup born and bred in Silicon Valley, Strikingly now wants to bring the growth hacking culture to Shanghai by hosting a meetup for Growth Hackers in the region. We will use this opportunity to discuss growth hacking theories and share case studies with the selective group of attendees. RSVP now to share growth hacking ideas and meet like-minded people!

Who should join Exponential Growth, Scalability, Repeatability, Unconventional, Growth Hacks - if these are the things you think about everyday, you should join our meetup. Growth Hackers, product managers, developers if growth hacking is part of your job, you should attend our meetup.

RSVP Go to http://growthhacker2014.strikingly.com for RSVP and more information. This meetup will be limited within 20 to 30 people. Please RSVP ASAP! Deadline: June 6

Note that this is a non-smoking event.










分享的 slides growth hacking 简介 http://growthshanghai.strikingly.com/

strikingly defeng 分享早期如何获取用户。 http://growth-dafeng.strikingly.com/

来成都办一场吧 :)

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