Ruby 开发者们,我们又来了!咱们小聚一下,分享过去这几个月我们在 Ruby 领域上面所关注的,学习的。瞧瞧,Rails 3.2 发布了,还有 ruby 1.9.3-p125 和 Spree 1.0,在这里有许多很酷的东西值得我们去分享和讨论的。你还可以谈谈你在 github 上面有趣的项目,或者一些新颖的工具,或者一个帮助我们更快地 coding 的小技巧,我们都希望你能跟咱们分享!
Hey rubyists, its that time again. Time for us to gather, to celebrate, and to share what we’ve learned over the last few months. Lets see, Rails 3.2 is out now, ruby 1.9.3-p125, Spree 1.0, and of course the excellent RedDotRubyConf - lots of cool stuff for us to look at and discuss. So think about your favorite github projects, any new tools you’ve come to love, or any tricks you’ve got that help you code faster, and come share with us.
时间/When:March 21, 7:30 PM
地点/Where:Kudelabs 明月一路 59 号,汉苑 西塔 601
地铁/Metro:五羊村 A 出口/Line 5 - Wu Yang Cun, Exit A
As always, share this link: Post it to Weibo, Twitter, QQ Groups, whatever you prefer
BTW: I've heard a rumor that there may be beer at this meeting…you'll have to come to find out!