测试 遇到一个测试问题

shin · January 14, 2014 · Last by shin replied at January 14, 2014 · 2225 hits

测试 space.rb 的 modle 时

在 space_pages_spec.rb 代码如下

describe "show space page" do
  before do
    @space = Space.create(
    space_setting:  "1",
    user_group:     "1",
    rent_env:       "1",
    num_of_people:  "1",
    city:           "上海",
    title:          "你好杨浦",
    content:        "五角场商圈",
    photo:          "wujiaochang.jpg",
    detailed:       "1,2,3,4,6,7")
    visit space_path(@space)
  it { should have_selector('h3', text: space.title)}
  it { should have_selector('h4', text:}

报错如下 Failures: 1) SpacePages show space page Failure/Error: visit space_path(@space) ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound: Couldn't find SpaceSetting with id=1 # ./app/controllers/spaces_controller.rb:10:in show' # ./spec/requests/space_pages_spec.rb:30:inblock (3 levels) in '

2) SpacePages show space page Failure/Error: visit space_path(@space) ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound: Couldn't find SpaceSetting with id=1 # ./app/controllers/spaces_controller.rb:10:in show' # ./spec/requests/space_pages_spec.rb:30:inblock (3 levels) in '

Finished in 0.25858 seconds 4 examples, 2 failures

为什么会找不到 id=1 的 SpaceSetting 呢?

找了半天没找到哪里出了问题,请给些寻找错误的建议~~~~ :)

space 的 show action 是不是 查找 SpaceSetting 了

#2 楼 @kikyous 恩,是有查找 SpaceSetting 没注意到,谢谢啦~

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