Rails Rails 3.1 的 assets 该如何安排?

bryanwong · February 16, 2012 · Last by jinleileiking replied at February 23, 2012 · 4066 hits

js, css 和 image 可以放在 app/assets 和 vendor/assets 两个目录, 有什么 best practice 来安排吗?看了 ruby-china 的代码,没总结出规律来。

我的做法是:项目自己写的放 app/assets,三方的放 vendor/assets

自己寫的關於 util 類的,我放 lib/assets/ 第三方的比如說是 jquery.ui.* 的我放 vendor/assets/

至於是比如說 project 內獨有,特別是 controller specific, 或者是 feature specific 的,我才放 app/assets

我的做法是 需要 precompile,外部访问的的东西放在 app/assets 共用的放在 lib/assets 第三方的放在 lib/assets

这样在设置 precompile 的时候只要设置成 app/assets 里面的 js 和 css 就好了

verdor 在 rails4 发布时,是不是就去掉了?现在来说第三方的是不是放 lib/assets 下比较好?

放在 vendor/assets/ 或者 lib/assets 下的东西 js,css 应该如何加载到页面?

rails guide 有!

2.1 Asset Organization Pipeline assets can be placed inside an application in one of three locations: app/assets, lib/assets or vendor/assets.

app/assets is for assets that are owned by the application, such as custom images, JavaScript files or stylesheets.

lib/assets is for your own libraries’ code that doesn’t really fit into the scope of the application or those libraries which are shared across applications.

vendor/assets is for assets that are owned by outside entities, such as code for JavaScript plugins and CSS frameworks.

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