招聘 [上海] 500 强招聘 (Senior) Software Engineer

vivianhr · 2012年02月09日 · 最后由 dxdxdx 回复于 2012年02月23日 · 3247 次阅读

如果你对各类前沿技术感兴趣, 如果你缺少空间和平台, 请看过来。

感兴趣的。请发送简历至 [email protected] . 收到简历后 2 天内会回复。

Responsibility · Identify project opportunity, define solution architecture, and design software implementation · Follow common adopted agile development process and improve it by proactive practices; Participates in the full lifecycle Proof-of-Concept project design and implementation · Collaborate with oversea senior technologists and architects in CTO office or business units · Works within a team to quickly deliver high-quality software solutions

Requirements · Experience with some or all of the following technical areas: § IaaS, PaaS, SaaS enablement § Cloud-based Management Service § Information Intelligence, by Data Collecting, Cleaning and Visualization § Integrated Solution, like Policy-based Management, Compliance and Governance · Proficient in Java and Linux script; Knowledge on Spring MVC/Python/Ruby · Strong working knowledge of web services development, SOAP and REST; Familiar with web development, like CSS, JavaScript and HTML5 is a plus. · Knowledge of XML is required; Hands-on experience on xPath and xQuery is a plus · Proven work on Paper, Publication or Patent is a huge plus · A quick learner and an innovator; Being a bit of a geek is a plus · Good communication skills of both verbally and writing using Chinese and English language, as well as to be able to drive conversation with oversea peers · 4+ years of professional software architecture and development experience

没有诚意,在中文网站上面发布英文招聘信息。 就算你是外企,也不能是这样。

发英文 JD 可以,不过只写你们需要什么,却不写你们能给什么,相对没有那么吸引。


人家大半夜的用下班时间来招人,也不容易啊。你们就扰了 LZ 吧。 BTW,我觉得招聘最好都给出薪水范围,免得因为太高或太低浪费部分人的时间。 什么“根据能力而定”都是扯淡的。

这个招聘信息怎么看起来像是从 World 种 copy 出来的一样,稍微排版一下就更好了。估计是猎头发帖招聘。

看到 500 强就想到凤姐


发现这些所谓的猎头专业素质真 tmd 差劲,就像爬虫似的,爬到某个论坛就发一堆垃圾贴

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