招聘 [上海.浦东] 禅海之花里花店寻 Experienced Rails Developer

easymoo · 2013年05月17日 · 最后由 upsilon2gamma 回复于 2013年05月29日 · 4857 次阅读


Who are we?

Zenhacks Lab innovates the way people live by the power of technology, design and entrepernership. We are an international group of hackers, designers and growth hackers who are dedicated to solving real problems. We've founded several startups and will continue doing so.

Huali Flower Shop is currently our primary projects, it changes the way people think, send and receive flowers.

We've brought the idea alive in 6 months and currently it enters the period of rapid growth. We are looking for one experienced Rails developer to jump on board. BTW, We build the development environment friendly for developers to make a difference, take a look at our tech-stacks.

Apply Here

What do we offer?

The Environment Designed for Hackers

  • We do not have different levels of programmers at zenhacks. We stay small and effective by having developers of the highest quality working together, able to communicate well and work closely.

  • Programmers are first-class in the lab. They will be responsible for the design and development of new products. As a developer you will participate in prototyping and wireframing of projects, and be responsible for the user experience and usability of the applications we build.

  • We choose our tools wisely but not obsessed with them. We believe that every developer should choose the tools that work best for them. We build our tech-stack to help developers focus on their work and we encourage our developers to contribute to that.

  • We took Friday afternoon to invest in ourselves. We would run hackthon, workshop or send Pull Request to open source projects.


  • Local competitive compenstation.

  • Full coverage of social insurance + extra commercial insurance.

  • 1st class equipment. All qualified programmer will get a 27 inch IPS screen and the HHKB for working.

  • Coverage to attend tech conference and purchase tech books.

What are we looking for?

Experienced Rails Developer in Shanghai.

Qualified candidates will have following qulifications:


  • 2 years+ experience with RoR
  • Adapted to Test-Driven Development
  • Expert at Ruby, know design principles of OOP
  • Expert at web programming with HTTP, TCP
  • Basic knowledge about html/css/javascript
  • Basic knowledge about SQL language

Better Have

  • Experience with javascript MVC framework
  • Experience with e-commerce solutions
  • Fluent in linux commands

Apply Here

¿Por qué es necesario decir en Inglés?

#1 楼 @ChanceDoor Lo que habla español, entonces? :bowtie:

#2 楼 @easymoo #1 楼 @ChanceDoor 5L2g5Lus5Zyo6K+05LuA5LmIPw==\n

#2 楼 @easymoo echi werdii versbotiet Seey

@zgm 5Y+v5Lul55SoZ29vZ2xl57+76K+R55qE\n


#3 楼 @zgm 你这是秘文?不像是乱打的啊

#7 楼 @ChanceDoor Base64.decode64('5L2g5Lus5Zyo6K+05LuA5LmIPw==\n')
#3 楼 @zgm 对吧?

#6 楼 @tankerwng 初期一定会是在上海了,大家沟通没问题就可以 remote 的。

Too simple


#12 楼 @tankerwng 嗯嗯,大连的确是好地方~~

大连的 IT 环境没上海、杭州来得好


15 楼 已删除

#16 楼 @DestinyDesigner google 翻译呗。。。

17 楼 已删除

1,2L 太逗了


#14 楼 @ywjno 这么看起来,杭州好像是最平衡的了。


@yangchenyun 是你们的招聘?

@yangchenyun 我前两天碰巧想在你们那买花,去微信扫了个优惠券,说是省 30 的,后来付款的时候只减了 15 块,然后就没买,后来忙别的事就把这个给忘 了。。。

@easymoo 请问现在还招吗? 申请页面有,但是 form 没了...之前想申请的,当时简历没弄好,难道那么不幸,刚准备好,就结束了?

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