招聘 [远程] 美国创业公司 Rails 前端开发

tylerlong · 2013年04月29日 · 最后由 jyz19880823 回复于 2013年05月19日 · 4778 次阅读





  1. 非常善于根据产品设计图片来创建网页界面。有相关的 rails 经验。
  2. 专家级的 HTML/CSS/JS 技能
  3. 熟悉 Rails, 能够独立搭建开发环境
  4. 比起你的工作年限,我们更加看重你做过什么
  5. 英语书面和口头表达熟练
  6. 能够独立完成任务,能帮助团队其他成员
  7. 熟练使用 git, git branches, github
  8. TDD, MVC, Postgresql 经验有加分
  9. Coffeescript, SASS/SCSS经验有加分
  10. jquery_ujs, backbone, angularjs 等等框架的经验有加分
  11. 对构建全球性的产品有热情
  12. 能够出差到美国去跟美国团队会面


  1. 两级薪资制度。如果你出差到美国工作,会给额外的薪水
  2. 多文化工作环境。能够和世界各地的人一起工作
  3. 有吸引力的股票期权
  4. 敏捷的团队,更快完成任务
  5. 你自己决定工作时间,工作计划,和工作地点
  6. 在定期团队会面的时候,可以到世界各地旅游


备注:请提供 github 帐号及相关作品

======================================= 原始英文描述如下: =======================================

Ruby on Rails Front-end engineer for US-based Start Up

About Us:

We are a young start-up company building an innovative shopping-centric community & comparison tool for consumers. Our product will help millions of users around the world find, discover, and share information about products in a very unique way. Some of the challenges are highly algorithmic, such as coming up with ways to crawl, organize, and categorize the information effectively so that users can efficiently find what they need; others are very technical, such as working to make a web application that is complex while still being very fast; and many of the challenges are in product design, such as figuring out a way to set up and grow a healthy community and constructing intuitive interfaces for users.

We work asynchronously and spend considerable time and energy in finding the best people no matter where they are in the world. We have a very diverse and international team. Our company is based in beautiful Miami, FL and is well funded.

About You: • Must be extremely good at implementing markup, have experience with front-end design, specifically coding psd mock-ups for a Rails application. • Expert-level HTML/CSS/JS skills. • Familiar with Ruby on Rails. You should be able to setup a development environment on your local machine by yourself. • The number of years of professional experience you have isn't as important to us as what you have actually done • Proficient in written and conversational English • Can get things done without supervision, and can help others meet deadlines. • Familiar with git, git branches and github • TDD, MVC, Postgresql knowledge is a plus • Coffeescript knowledge is a bonus, SASS/SCSS knowledge is a plus • Jquery_ujs, backbone, angularJs or any other frontend framework knowledge is a plus • You are passionate about building products for a global audience • Flexible to travel to meet with our U.S team in Miami if needed

Benefits: • Two-tiered salary structure that includes additional compensation if working outside of your country at our main office in the United States • Multi-cultural work environment, work and meet people from around the world. • Attractive Stock Options packages • Agile team. Get things done faster • Work on your own time, and your desired schedule, from your desired location • Travel around the world for our occasional meet ups

We think we are working on something that is very important and that lots of people will use every day. If you're interested, Apply here:

Note: Please send us your GitHub account and/or coding samples

远程工作,待遇优厚.... 这是啥概念?

好想学 JS


有了第一条,主要看重 ruby 就可以。 minimum requirement 跟 Familiar 以及 rich experience 是矛盾的


typo: websties -> websites

前端的话现在好像还是挺缺的。做好前端感觉不容易。 首先是对基础的理解,css spec 要看一遍,盒模型,html,html5,ajax,jquery,js 语言的特性要足够了解。 然后是分支的技术,html5,svg,webgl 什么,看用到什么了。 知道如何做各种效果,瀑布流,图片墙,如何搭建复杂的富应用,前端渲染什么的。 还有就是要知道不同浏览器,手机,平板上面渲染会出现的问题,如果中国的话还有解决 IE 兼容性,这一块是前端最麻烦的地方。。

#7 楼 @linjunhalida 我怎么觉着,如何组织管理 JS 代码才是前端最麻烦的地方呢。



@nevill rails 不是打包起来嘛,每个文件里面做 namespace 就好了。

#3 楼 @lgn21st 老外是相对的。我们对老外来讲也是老外。呵呵。没有国籍要求的。

#7 楼 @linjunhalida 是的,前端水非常深。好的前端非常难找。短时间全面考察一个前端的水平也不太可能。因为毕竟做招聘的人不是前端专家。最好的方式还是看他做过什么,作品最能说明问题。

#10 楼 @jfreebird #5 楼 @mistbow #1 楼 @calebx 工作地点无要求,可远程办公。如果条件符合请投简历。英语口语不会要求特别高,只要不是太差就行吧。我也刚进这个项目不久,了解不深刻,有兴趣可以直接跟 ceo 沟通 (先投简历).

#12 楼 @tylerlong 根据我长期对招聘版观察,即使对英语要求很高的招聘贴,从招聘效果(我真的有去联系很多招聘方询问在我们论坛的招聘效果),关注度,点击量,回复量看,中文招聘信息其实优势非常明显,所以如果你追求在 RubyChina 的招聘最佳效果的话,建议考虑翻译成中文。

#15 楼 @lgn21st 行,听你的,我翻译!

#7 楼 @linjunhalida 我总觉得前端就是一个文字游戏,真心看不出来前端和客户端到底有啥区别

#16 楼 @tylerlong 曾经聊过是否翻译,结果被某人否决了...

@tylerlong 能到 10w 美刀吗?


#19 楼 @oth 指的薪水的话,目前来说蛮有难度的...但是谁知道呢...


@inSeek @tylerlong 国内高级前端 20-80w 人刀,无敌前端,全球稀缺,一个级别薪资吧。

#22 楼 @koudingxia @oth 时间上没有要求。只看结果不看过程。另外,前端已经招到一个人选。仍然在招人,不会特别偏重前端,看重综合能力。

至于你说的薪资,我完全相信。100W 刀也肯定有的吧。行行出状元,每个行业最顶尖的那一拨人的薪水都是我们所无法想象的。


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