开发工具 decaf - runs Ruby in the browser

kenshin54 · 2013年04月09日 · 最后由 chenge 回复于 2013年04月12日 · 2972 次阅读


Decaf is a modification of WebKit that runs Ruby in the browser. You can access the DOM, use the inspector, and do most other things that JavaScript can do.

一个支持 ruby 的引擎,谁会用它来做一个浏览器?还是可以作为插件什么的嵌入现有的浏览器?



像是 CoffeeScript 那个 JS 一样

下载一个试试看。是不是 Ruby 要进军浏览器了。

Ruby as a JavaScript Alternative

There have been several attempts to use Ruby in the browser, but none of them have connected it to the DOM. In Decaf, the Ruby DOM API is created at the same level as JavaScript. As a result, Ruby can be used as a complete solution. Theoretically, any application we can make in JavaScript can now be made in Ruby.


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