A pure javascript QR code decoding library, accept Image File object, image url, image base64.
⭐ A simple web app to count a GitHub user's total stars
A GitHub action to automate acknowledging contributors to your open source projects
Generate audio transcripts and summaries by using OpenAI.
Analysis of China Starbucks store data
Discover the brilliant open-source web tech stacks
quickly find the GitHub URL of the package in VS Code
Display the count of issues that are contribution-friendly, i.e., those that have labels such as...
personal knowledge base
a website build with Next.js
当前是第一页,再点上一页会出现页数为负,最近也在用 vue 写 ruby china,ui 自己小调了下,等到差不多了也开源出来,先看下楼主的代码学习下。
占坑 ^_^
#4 楼 @Season 我在 linux 下也碰到一样打问题 你怎么解决?