A curated list of delightful iOS resources.
An elegant and simple iOS music player.
PHPHub for iOS is the universal iPhone and iPad application for PHPHub
Simple solution to localize your iOS App.
Cool Animated music indicator view written in Swift
A music social networking project written in Ruby on Rails and Semantic-UI
A demo implementation of a drop down tag list view for iOS.
[INACTIVE] The bootstrap-material-design bundled as an asset for the rails asset pipeline.
[CLOSED] Make the emoji easier to use for Rails.
楼主,快点去学!如果你不是那种富二代,官二代,又对编程抱有极大的热情,那就不要犹豫,做自己喜欢的事,我对这感触非常深,我今年 19,读大一,明天都被学校的破课程压得喘不过气来,现在只是会点 HTML,CSS,JS,Java 和 C 语言,加上才学了半个月的 RoR,才发现需要学的实在太多了,后悔当成为什么不学多一点!!! 劝君惜取少年时啊!!!
Thanks for your share!