#21 楼 @wppurking 兄台可否发我一份,I can't climb over the wall, [email protected], tx!!!
#21 楼 @wppurking 没东西呢? Google Drive The app is currently unreachable.
#3 楼 @wppurking #2 楼 @huhongda #1 楼 @winnie
看来 Sidekiq 值得一试,Sidekiq KO Resque
does not require thread safety (works with pretty much any gem out there); has no interpreter preference (you can use any ruby); Resque currently supports MRI 1.9.3 or later loads of plugins.
runs a process per worker (uses more memory); does not retry jobs (out of the box, anyway).
runs thread per worker (uses much less memory); less forking (works faster); more options out of the box.
[huge] requires thread-safety of your code and all dependencies. If you run thread-unsafe code with threads, you're asking for trouble; works on some rubies better than others (jruby and rubinius are recommended, efficiency on MRI is decreased due to GVL (global VM lock)).
感觉页面布局不是很好,header 占的地方太大了,宽屏四列微多,左右两边的东西有点碍眼。个人拙见,美女 ui 会不会不高兴,哈哈
#6 楼 @flowerwrong binding.pry
#18 楼 @lhy20062008 rails3 是公有和私有方法都能调,但是调用私有方法是不合适的,所以 rails4 改成只能调用公有方法,使用 public_send 了
#13 楼 @nagae_memooff 哟,天津老乡,哈哈
你的用的 cdn 吗?使用那个命令,好像要下载 bootstrap 到本地 assets 里面
#8 楼 @string2020 rails3 应该是有漏洞,所以在 rails4 中改进的,我也是在升级 rails4 的时候发现老代码有这样用的,写出来分享一下,并不主张调用私有方法
一直用 iteye 写博客呢,顶一个
Events firing twice or more
If you find that some events are being fired multiple times after using jQuery Turbolinks, you may have been binding your document events inside a $(function()) block. For instance, this example below can be a common occurrence and should be avoided:
/* BAD: don't bind 'document' events while inside $()! */ $(function() { $(document).on('click', 'button', function() { ... }) });
You should be binding your events outside a $(function()) block. This will ensure that your events will only ever be bound once.
/* Good: events are bound outside a $() wrapper. */ $(document).on('click', 'button', function() { ... })
#25 楼 @bobby_chen 有一亿个用户,每个用户至少关注 100 个人,那就得上百亿得数据了,nosql 上百亿的数据查询估计也不行吧,而且题目要求是关系性数据库,so..