Camera and Microphone streaming library via RTMP, HLS for iOS, macOS, tvOS.
Android crash reporting provider for Raygun
A two stage lightweight and high performance license plate recognition in MTCNN and LPRNet
A lightweight javascript timezone library
A tree data structure that emits events on updates, even if the modification is triggered by one ...
#13 楼 @ruby_sky 行,给我个简历吧,Email 楼上有
#10 楼 @ruby_sky 看了你的经历,应届生无所谓的,关键是看你愿不愿意在成都工作
#6 楼 @huacnlee 不是水,就是不想搞的那么像广告帖有木有。公司地址在天府软件园 D 区创业场。试用期待遇 5.5K,试用期后待遇上不封顶。
#1 楼 @sharp 朋友,能给份简历不?hunteva(AT)
我们做开发比较多,产品都由投资人在国外发,公司名说出来也没人知道,但是可以 google 下"FlyBudget 36 氪"就能看到比较详细的报道。
FlyBudget 的团队也是用 Rails 的啊