A user script to add a download button in atlas.hashicorp.com for you direct download.
my bucket for scoop
Go by Example 通过例子学 Golang
Source code of mathjax.everyx.in - a mathjax image generate api service.
A photoshop script to divide by guides
GTK+ 3 中文参考手册 Python 代码版
Shell script to create full/incremental backups with mariabackup
A photoshop script to generate layer to image follow a save options config file
#10 楼 @mogodb 前几天也碰到这个问题,就写了一个油猴脚本,为 atlas.hashicorp.com 上的 vagrant box 增加下载链接,方便下载,你可以试试 https://github.com/everyx/vagrant-box-download-helper-everyx.user.js