招聘 [北京] 靠谱多金的我们需要精通 Ruby 的 u,u & u!!

dawn725 · August 11, 2015 · Last by louisliu813 replied at August 15, 2015 · 3644 hits




通过互联网实现工程机械租赁的 项目管理 + 资源调度 你听过吗?如果没有,请猛戳这里



Work closely with the client side programmer team to analyze app features and plan how to implement them with a scalable server system. Develop Python/Ruby/Node.js/PHP code that runs as part of our existing server infrastructure and includes the following aspects: scalability, robustness, security, operations, documentation, and maintenance. Develop Java code that runs on mobile clients and includes the following aspects: performance, robustness, documentation, and maintenance. Provide any needed direction, guidance, assistance, and feedback to the app team related to client-server development. Research coding techniques and algorithms. Keep current with technological developments and advancements in creating scalable app servers. Review competing products from a technical perspective.

Required Skills and Experience:

High-scale, high-performance, and high-availability server development Comfortable moving between front-end and back-end roles Proficient with Python/Ruby/Node.js/PHP Java experience, Spring is a plus Strong AWS experience Relational databases and NoSQL persistence Be a proactive problem-solver with a team-centric attitude Hold a positive attitude and have the ability to take direction and receive criticism


Network programming and non-blocking IO



o 工程是现在最后一个科技没有太多触碰到的主要领域,我们的应用将最先进的管理理念和便捷的交互带到每个人的手中 o 弓箭科技将革新人们管理工程的方式


o 弹性工作性,我们认为这个很基本,并且重视工作与生活的平衡 o 扁平化管理,我们觉得平等讨论很重要,而且作为初创企业,我们也没有那么多工夫耽误在多层的管理上。但相对的,我们很注重实效 o 开放坦诚的沟通很重要,我们的 CEO 只关注实际的结果


o Macbook Air/Pro,搭配 27 寸 Dell UltraSharp 高清显示器 o 提供各种饮料和茶叶咖啡,公司有一位咖啡爱好者, 尽情期待每天的免费咖啡吧 o 望京 SOHO 高大上办公环境,如果你是单身,公司还会免费提供公司附近二室一厅住所,绝对高逼格


薪资 20k 起,无 range,一年 13 薪,年假 10 天,6 天带薪病假,一切 open


地点:望京 SOHO mail: [email protected] tel:010-59271230 欢迎来电咨询交流!


目前弓箭科技已有 500w 天使投资,A 轮会在今年年底到位,所以前景广阔,快快加入哦~如果你心动啦,请速速到碗里来



3 Floor has deleted

#3 楼 @jasonliu 是的哦,特别壕呢

#4 楼 @dawn725 互联网金融是终极目标,可以看一下链接的哈

标题不符合要求; 内容排版太乱; 结点不对,应该放到[招聘]下面; 没有头像

#7 楼 @zhyt1985 版面乱吗?头像会换的

我们的 CEO 只关注实际的结果。孰不知每一次结果的呈现后台 CPU 都有数已亿计的运算过程。说来容易 你可知道 intel 多厉害嚒。

#9 楼 @so_zengtao 都会有这样一个过程的,但是不同点就在于他们特别开明,没有职级限制,有什么问题可以随时沟通,有任何困难也可以随时提。



#13 楼 @zhyt1985 后来我又再招聘节点发了,但是不显示啊

#13 楼 @zhyt1985 搁到招聘节点里就可以了吧

#11 楼 @limkurn 搁到招聘节点里就可以是吗?

该招聘帖暂时被移动到 NoPoint 节点,两个问题需要解决:

  1. 排版,请使用 markdown 格式排版,目前的版式惨不忍睹
  2. 标题不符合版规,没有标记招聘的城市

#13 楼 @zhyt1985 快帮我看看这样可以吗

#19 楼 @lgn21st 这样可以吗?

#21 楼 @dawn725 标题依然不符合招聘版规,你就不能在标题上添加 [地址] 前缀么?另外也没有用 Markdown 格式排版,贵司有没有搞技术的,请贵司的技术过来帮忙调整一下?

敬告各位发招聘的公司注意! » 社区 » Ruby China 这里有详细说明文档。

再夹带点私货:实例简介 Markdown 格式

May God bless you!


#3 楼 @jasonliu 是啊是啊,有兴趣聊一聊吗

@dawn725 建议 JD 改成下面的


* Work closely with the client side programmer team to analyze app features and plan how to implement them with a scalable server system.
* Develop Python/Ruby/Node.js/PHP code that runs as part of our existing server infrastructure and includes the following aspects: scalability, robustness, security, operations, documentation, and maintenance.
* Develop Java code that runs on mobile clients and includes the following aspects: performance, robustness, documentation, and maintenance.
* Provide any needed direction, guidance, assistance, and feedback to the app team related to client-server development.
* Research coding techniques and algorithms. Keep current with technological developments and advancements in creating scalable app servers.
* Review competing products from a technical perspective.

**Required Skills and Experience:**

* High-scale, high-performance, and high-availability server development
* Comfortable moving between front-end and back-end roles
* Proficient with Python/Ruby/Node.js/PHP
* Java experience, Spring is a plus
* Strong AWS experience
* Relational databases and NoSQL persistence
* Be a proactive problem-solver with a team-centric attitude
* Hold a positive attitude and have the ability to take direction and receive criticism


Network programming and non-blocking IO

#26 楼 @dawn725 改版没有好,所以没回你

我们需要什么样的人 如果排版能力好,可以接受;如果不好,建议用中文。(显然这里是后者 😄


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