招聘 [北京] Boston Startup 招聘 Senior Ruby 程序员: Need 2, hired one, one to go!

alexliu · 2013年02月25日 · 最后由 alexliu 回复于 2013年03月13日 · 4426 次阅读

TransformOne is a startup in Boston, we are developing a clinical trial cloud solution for pharmaceutical companies.

We are looking for 2 senior Ruby developers to join our team at a competitive rate. The position will be remote and the team is global. This means you will be able to work at home and have relatively flexible schedule.

任职要求: 1、计算机软件及相关专业学历 2、熟悉 Ruby on Rails,Javascript,HTML,CSS 等技术 3、熟练使用 linux, apache, mysql, git 等系统、工具 4、熟悉 linux 操作系统 5、具备良好的代码书写规范,善于思考,能独立分析和解决问题 6、责任心强,具备团队合作精神和承受压力的能力

  1. Excellent written and good spoken English is a Must!

简历请发至 [email protected]

Please include information about your availability for fulltime/part time and your salary requirements.


#1 楼 @kitt remote 的。。帖子里有写了。。。


My CTO does not speak Chinese, he is an American and it's a requirement that you have good communication skills.

I have received all your resumes, thank you for your interest! I will be in touch soon!

@alexliu 现在再发还来得及嘛?


Yes, you can apply now. I will start interviewing this week.

#8 楼 @alexliu will contact you tonight

Can you have a brief introduction of your business model?

#4 楼 @alexliu Interested, but I would like to know the compensation directly. Check my work out at

我看成 BootStrap 团队了

u1360749170 & yangchenyun:I will be happy to share more information if you follow up with me via email with your resume

应该写 地区不限

#4 楼 @alexliu 需要 DBA 或者运维吗?

DBA not yet, we need a programmer with SQL skills. What is 运维?

17 楼 已删除
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