iOS Alfred 一键配置初始化 iOS 插件代码 (自动配置 cocoapods 并初始化 git) 内附精心整理的 Podfile

sdq2748 · 2013年01月29日 · 最后由 i5ting 回复于 2013年02月04日 · 4927 次阅读

刚分享了一个 RoR 的~ 再来一个 iOS 的~

cp ~/iOS/ToolBox/Podfile ~/iOS/{query}/Podfile;
cd ~/iOS/{query}/;
pod install;
curl -u username:password -d "name={query}&scm=git&is_private=true&language=objective-c"
git add .;
git commit -m "init project";
git remote add origin ssh://[email protected]/username/{query}.git;
git push -u origin --all;


platform :ios,'6.0'
dependency 'MBProgressHUD' # An activity indicator that can be added to your views.
# dependency 'Nimbus' # A comprehensive toolkit of modules aimed at replacing Three20.
dependency 'SSToolkit' # A collection of well-documented iOS classes for making life easier.

dependency 'AFNetworking' # Network connectivity and response handling.
dependency 'Reachability' # Network access detection.
# dependency 'ShareKit'

#code helper
# dependency 'BlocksKit'
# dependency 'ConciseKit'

# View
dependency 'ViewDeck' # An implementation of the sliding functionality found in the Path 2.0 or Facebook iOS apps.
# dependency 'GHSidebarNav' # like ViewDeck
# dependency 'PSStackedView' # Open source implementation of Twitter/iPad stacked UI
# dependency 'AwesomeMenu' # Path 2.0 menu using CoreAnimation :).
# dependency 'CMPopTipView' # Custom UIView for iOS that pops up an animated "bubble" pointing at a button or other view. Useful for popup tips.
# dependency 'MTStatusBarOverlay' #  A custom iOS status bar overlay seen in Apps like Reeder,Evernote and GoogleMobile App.
# dependency 'JMTabView' # Stylish and animated tab view for iOS rendered entirely using core graphics.

#table view
# dependency 'QuickDialog'

#plotting framework
# dependency 'CorePlot' size too big

# dependency 'FMDB' # A Cocoa / Objective-C wrapper around SQLite.
# dependency 'MagicalRecord' # Super Awesome Easy Fetching for Core Data

# Utility
# dependency 'SSZipArchive'
# dependency 'CHCSVParser'
# dependency 'SSKeychain' # Simple Cocoa wrapper for the keychain that works on Mac and iOS.

# Animation
dependency 'FTUtils' # Phone utilities mostly for Core Animation.

dependency 'SDWebImage'

dependency 'UMeng'
dependency 'OpenUDID'
# dependency 'FlurrySDK'

dependency 'TTTAttributedLabel' #A drop-in replacement for UILabel that supports attributes, data detectors,links, and more.

# dependency 'Google-AdMob-Ads-SDK'

#In APP Purchase
dependency 'MKStoreKit'

# dependency 'Appirater' #  A utility that reminds your iPhone app's users to review the app.

# dependency 'PonyDebugger'  # Remote network and data debugging for your native iOS app using Chrome Developer Tools.

# dependency 'Specta'
# dependency 'Expecta',     '~> 0.2.0'   # expecta matchers
# dependency 'OCHamcrest',  '~> 1.7'     # hamcrest matchers
# dependency 'OCMock',      '~> 2.0.1'   # OCMock
# dependency 'LRMocky',     '~> 0.9.1'   # LRMocky
# dependency 'Fingertips' # Touch indicators for iOS applications.


Pod 文件不错,发现个好东西,PonyDebugger

#2 楼 @lanvige see beeDebuger 才是真的好

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