分享 a letter to Augusta

tylr · 2013年01月08日 · 最后由 blacktulip 回复于 2013年01月08日 · 2212 次阅读

This is sooo sweet, I'd like to have a daughter.

require "./love"

a_letter to: Augusta do
  twas(only: 16.months.ago) { The::Universe << You.to(OurFamily) }
  life.has :been => %w(i n c r e d i b l y).zip(*"wonderful!").ever_since
  We::Wish.we_could { experience these_moments: over & over }
  You.will always_be: Loved, and: Cherished
  until Infinity.ends do; Forever.(); end


比黑珍珠差远啦,人家都不用 require


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